Leon x Male!Reader

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A/N: Leon is one of the few useful and in my opinion likable units in Celica's path, she just has so many myrmidons and mages it's not even funny. Atlas has the potential to be a better archer but Kamui,Valbar and Leon are my favorite overall from Celica's route.

The battle was horrible and the injuries the soldiers received were grave. As a sage my duty wasn't just to fight off the horrid amalgamations of Duma's army but also to heal the weak and weary. I had traversed through the mire we were currently using as a battlefield to reach Mae and Boey, both had sustained some rather serious injuries. All around me I could see my comrades fighting and protecting each other, Saber was next to Celica, Atlas was being healed by Genny and Valbar was being covered from a distance by Jessie. In the distance I could also just about make out the purple hair that belonged to none other than our recently promoted bow Knight, Leon. His hits were landing but they didn't seem to do much to creatures that didn't seem to feel pain as much as a human would and due to the mostly aquatic terrain his horse couldn't maneuver well enough to avoid it's rider from getting hit. Luckily, Kamui was sticking close enough to finish off any enemy he didn't kill but I saw one sneak up from the opposite side and charge at the unsuspecting archer. Without thinking too much I ran forward towards Leon and yelled out for him to watch out.

It all seem to happen in slow motion, from him turning to see the oncoming monster to me releasing a powerful blast of Seraph magic. The blast went sailing forward barely missing Leon and striking true as it hit the creature straight to the chest but it was already attacking by then and even as it was dying it brought it's sword down and slashed Leon straight through his chest plate and cutting deep into his flesh.
"Leon!" Kamui yelled, he hadn't seen the enemy approach but he would be damned if he didn't cover for (Y/N) to heal someone he was starting to consider a good friend.

Leon had fallen from his horse after he was struck, the steed as a trained war horse hadn't fled too far and was unharmed. Running towards the fallen archer I turned him so he was facing up as carefully as I could, I would have to get rid of his armor to properly heal him and in such a chaotic place that could be dangerous for both of us.
"Oh gods please don't die on me,Leon. You're better than this, you can't just die and not in such a disgusting place like this. I'll heal you up so please just don't die!" I was feeling frantic, I unclasped his chest plate and took hold of my staff with a grip so tight my knuckles turned white.
My magic would stitch him up but it will still scar and the blood loss will leave him weak but damnit he will live if it's the last thing I do!
I poured as much power into the healing spell as I could and then some, I watched with relief as his wound closed up and the horrible bleeding slowed down. But my happiness was short lived as pain surged in my chest and my vision started to blur and all I could make out was Leon's purple hair and the fact that some muffled voice was calling my name. Next thing I know it all goes dark and I feel myself fall forward on to the unconscious Leon.

When I regained conciousness the first thing I noticed was that I was laying on a bed. I could hear faint activity outside of what I assume was a tent where I'm at and next to my bed was another occupied one. The figure was lying still, clearly still asleep and the the peaceful expression they wore almost made me forget the horrible injuries they sustained. The mop of tangled purple hair was easy to distinguish and I let out a small chuckle at the thought of Leon waking up looking anything other than perfect. I'm just glad I could save him but I wonder who saved me. The most probable choice is Kamui, he was closer to us but I could be mistaken.
"Oh, (Y/N), you're awake! Thank Mila for that. If it wasn't for you Leon wouldn't have made it. But you were a reckless fool!" Mae, who had just walked into the healing tent, exclaimed. She was clearly upset about what I did.
"I did what I had to in order to ensure our teammate lived to see another day. I'm not going to apologise for that." I said defiantly. "But, who brought us back to the main group? Was it Kamui or someone else?"
"Kamui called Valbar when he saw you two passed out. Valbar carried Leon while Kamui carried you. Won't he have a field day  day when he finds out, right?" Mae giddily proclaimed as she basically bounced over to me with a healing staff.
"Oh...yeah that's true. I completely forgot about his crush..."
"Why are you so sulky? It's not like you like Valbar or Leon, right? What are the odds that you might like one of the only two guys in camp that aren't interested in either dating or dating anyone but Valbar." She said with a frown as she used her staff to look me over in case something hadn't healed or was missed.
"It's not that I like him. It's more along the lines of wanting him to be with someone that does reciprocate his feelings. Wether it's me or someone else I can learn to accept it. It makes me sad to see him pinning over a guy who always has viewed him as only a friend. You understand?"
"...yeah I guess. If Boey didn't like me back I guess I would also want him to find someone that loves him and that he loves as well. But you should talk to him yourself, no more of the recklessness you pulled earlier." Mae chastised. She put away the staff after not finding any injuries.
"I will. But only after he feels well enough to talk. I don't want to have a one sided conversation or feel like I'm forcing the wounded man to strain himself."
"Good. I'll tell someone to bring your food later, until then you should rest up."
"I will, thanks MOM."
"You better! Now quiet down and rest. I don't want you to wake up, Leon."
"See you later then." And with that she left. Despite the battle that happened she always seems preppy in some way. She must be that confident in Celica's abilities as a leader to not be worried about the war's outcome.
Looking in Leon's direction I let out a tired sigh seeing how pale he looks. He really lost a lot of blood fast when he was struck. I don't even want to imagine what would happen if I hadn't reacted like I did...
I shuffle around the uncomfortable bed trying to find a position that won't give me a back ache when I wake up but ultimately just give up and decide to sleep no matter how annoying the ache will be later. It felt like I had just fallen asleep when a yell woke me up.
"He did what?!"
"I-well... nobody told you?"
"I was unconscious! Of course nobody told me that moron almost died as well!"
"You see- oh look (Y/N) is awake! Maybe you should yell at him. He was the reckless one. Bye."
Lazily I blink my eyes and barely catch Boey's retreating figure before I'm forced to focus on a very awake and very pissed off purple haired archer.
"Why in the name of Mila would you do something as recklessly foolish as over exert your magic! Magic can literally kill a mage if wielded like you did in battle! What were you thinking, I'm just the archer you serve a greater purpose to the princess than I do!"
"What was I thinking? I was thinking, holy crap my friend is getting ambushed and now he's bleeding to death! I don't care if I die in battle so long as I go down protecting the people I care about."
"Well I care about you too and I don't want someone else to die protecting me!"
We both went silent then. Leon looked frantic, scared even. Someone died for him before?
"This has... happened before?"
"..." He just looked away. A far off look filled with pain and sorrow was reflected of his eyes.
"I-I had no idea. I'm sorry I said I didn't care if I died. But I'm not going to apologise for protecting you. I care about you more than you might think and at the moment I didn't want to even entertain the thought of you dying, especially in such a gross place as that mire."
He seemed to tense up for a moment before he jerked abruptly in my direction again.
"Wait, what was that last part?" He asked with disbelief.
"What?... That I didn't want to see you die in a gross swamp?" I'm genuinely confused now. What does he want me to say?
"No before that! You... Said you care about me more than I know... (Y/N), are you implying that you love me?" He said hesitantly.
"Did I say that? I wasn't even thinking... But yeah I do. I don't expect you to reciprocate since I know you have feelings for Valbar. Which if I may add, carried you all the way here when you were unconscious. But that not the important thing here, Leon. What's important is that because of my actions you almost lost another friend in battle and I feel horrible for willingly forcing myself past my limits and worrying you."
I feel really bad now. I wonder what happened to the other person that Leon knew, we they a soldier or was it a simple villager playing hero? I don't even feel embarrassed that I just confessed my feelings to the most high maintenance man in our army while we both look like we've crawled out of hell.
"For what it's worth... I'm flattered. Both for the sacrifice you were willing to make and for... The feelings. I don't really get confessed to often since everyone knows about my feelings for Valbar and before that ever happened I had someone else."
"I told you my feelings about you weren't the important part yet that seems to be the only part you seemed to hear." I let out a chuckle at that.
"I can't help it! I'm a romantic at heart and take these things very seriously." He was blushing now, clearly embarrassed but despite that he was clearly amused as well.

A calm silence fall around us as we both seemed to let our minds wander. I now noticed the cooling soup that laid in the small table in between our beds. It must have been why Boey was here, Mae must have forced him on delivery duty. Picking it up I don't even blow on it, the conversation with Leon was long enough that the previously hot soup was now lukewarm at best.
"Was the guy who... You know... The one you were with before? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I get that it might bring back bad memo-" I was cut off my the near silent answer that came from Leon.
"Yes." He was then silent for a few seconds, probably steeling himself to tell me about it or maybe he didn't want to show any of the probably still present heartache.
"I enrolled as a soldier at the same time as he did, I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. But during our first real battle... Let's just say we weren't prepared. I became severely depressed and the only person that helped me put of it was Valbar. He would talk to me and try to cheer me up every time he saw me so it's no surprise I fell for him. And even if it's never returned I will always cherish what he did for me. I will follow him anywhere without hesitation and fight at his side, even if that also includes having Kamui there as well."
"He does seem to just be around for the ride, wherever it may take you three."
"Yes that is true. Is it just me or does Kamui seem like he's interested in me? I swear whenever we speak he always asks me what my ideal man is and make a huge deal of it."
"You do hold some pretty high standards for any guy trying. It's no surprise he's probably interested though, you are amazing."
"I am. But you are too and if you must know my standards are perfectly acceptable."
"Oh? Let's hear it then. I've only heard tidbits from Kamui and I'm rather interested."
"It's rather simple really but it still isn't easily summed up. For starters, he should be kind, strong and mature... while maintaining a boyish innocence. He also needs to listen, but be ready to tell the hard truths when necessary."
"That sounds... Idealistic. But I can also see how it can apply realistically to someone. Too bad I'm not strong...or the most mature at times."
"Strength comes in more forms than just physical, (Y/N). Willingly running off to save someone even when you yourself aren't a fighter takes a huge deal of strength and I can admire that... I wouldn't count you out just yet."
"Thank you...*yawn*" I was feeling groggy. I had finished the soup left by Boey and simply held it stupidly as Leon spoke and not wanting any leftovers to fall on the sheets I set it back on the small table. I almost dozed off before his words finally registered in my mind.
"Wait count myself out of what?"
Leon was lying back down on his own bed, probably also tired. He was trying to pull the sheets up to cover himself and the now apparent blush that began to show on his face.
"When this was is over... If you're still interested we could maybe see if it works out. You and me that is."
"But you like Valbar."
"That's why I said when the war ends. I've been getting better at accepting that my feelings are one sided and hopefully by then they will only be friendly feelings rather than romantic. I don't expect you to wait that long but..."
"No, I'll definitely wait for you. No more half assed tactics where I risk my life now."
"And why would that be?"An amused smile could be seen on his lips.
"Between you and me, I got a hot date waiting for me when this war is over."
"What a strange coincidence. The same could be said about me."
"I bet he's not as beautiful as my date." The best way to please Leon, heartfelt compliments.
"You're right, he's not. But he is adorable in his own way."

As silence fell again we both drifted off into peaceful slumber. My dreams were full of images of the potential future. A peaceful Valentia were we wouldn't have to worry about a war taking our life away, and everyone can live without constant fear.

A/N: I haven't been able to play through the game for a few months so some things are probably not accurate since im going off memory. University is a pain guys and that's why I haven't posted sorry, but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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