Azura x Male!Reader

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   Warning: Character death.

   The time has finally arrived. The war would soon be over thanks to the efforts of Corrin and their siblings. Sure there were difficult times and many brave soldiers were killed but now we can show everyone their deaths weren't in vain. Looking at the front lines I saw our best warriors. Amongst them were Lord Xander, Lady Camilla, Lord Leo, Lady Elise and our commander Corrin, Azura was further back being protected by Corrin's forces. After we had defeated Garon and began to rejoice our victory Takumi of young prince of Hoshido had shown up and nearly killed Corrin in one blow, I really dont know how they survived such a powerful and deadly shot. Maybe it was the gods letting us know that Corrin's duty has not yet been completed or maybe it was just Corrins pure determination. I rode near Azura, the woman who I began to love in my time as a member of Corrin's army, healing from the back and burning any faceless that came near the beautiful blue haired princess.

  In my time in the army I had seen her dance and sing many times. She loves to do both but clearly favors singing, and one day I decided to get to know this Hoshidan raised Norhian. Her calm demeanor would fade and she would become this adorable girl who talked with undying passion about the art of song and dance, and just like that I fell for her. I wasnt even shy about it I just went up to her and told her exactly what I felt for her.

"Azura, the time I have known you has been wonderful and being with you makes me forget about the war we are fighting. And recently I have begun to notice that I have been slowly falling in love with you this whole time." I said resolutely. If she doesn't reciprocate my feelings then we can still just be friends. Even if its hard.
"Oh Y/N...well I have been spending a lot of time with you and seem to be in a similar dilemma. Don't think of this as me rejecting you but with the war going on its best to wait until its over and focus on staying alive. If not for the entirety of Norh then for each other." Azura said as her face turned pink and she smiled shyly at me.
" feel the same? Seriously?! Yesss!" I exclaimed excitedly as I hug her tightly and as I'm about to kiss her I quickly avert my aim to her cheek."I mean *cough* you're right, we best make it through this war before making any of this official. It's going to be hard to wait but no matter what I'll wait until you're ready." I told her sincerely as I put some distance between us and hold her hands.
 "I do feel the same and don't worry I know we'll win this war.I can feel its ending soon."
"I hope so."

 That was just a week before this battle and even if I wanted this to end as soon as possible Takumi was proving to be as stubborn as he was when he was still sane. I saw Azura stop moving as she began to sing her magical song, as beautiful as it sounds I had to leave her side in order to heal some other troops. She was being well guarded by Effie and Beruka so I didn't have to worry as much for her safety, I know she's in capable hands. The battle continued on for quite some time and the Faceless kept appearing without any end in sight and even from the distance I could hear Azura's soothing voice. Three pairs have finally surrounded the Hoshidan prince, Laslow and Xander in the left, Niles and Corrin in the front and Charlotte and Ophelia in the right. Even with so many people surrounding him Takumi didn't seem to slow down his attacking but one could tell he was nearing defeat. Charlotte retreated not long after receiving a direct hit from Takumi's Fujin Yumi, as I tended to her injuries I could faintly make out the pained scream of Takumi as Corrin finishes off their brother.

  With the battle finally over I finish healing Charlotte and ride over to where Azura was. We could finally be together and rebuild this land into its once glorious state. Spotting her I get off my horse and run towards her in delight only for that to turn into horror as she collapses to the ground. 

"Azura? Azura!" I screamed terrified. What happened? Why did she collapse she wasn't even fighting.

  Reaching her collapsed body I crouch down next to her and gently lift her head to inspect her.

"Please take me away from this place. Don't let...the others know." Azura said in a soft voice. 
"W-what no. You need a healer right away. What happened?"
"Staffs won't work on this. Just take me outside and away from the others. I'll explain then." She said before closing her eyes trying her best to focus on breathing. 

  Not knowing what else to do I pick her up and take her outside. I make it behind some trees near the castle before she opens her eyes again and begins to speak.

"It's a shame we won't be able to be together anymore. Look." Lifting her arm up I see her hand begin to fade away. There were tears in her eyes as she said it.

"Whats...happening are you-are you dying? Please tell me you aren't dying." As she averted  her eyes my fears had been confirmed. 
"You can't let Corrin and the others know what happened to me. I know it's a lot to ask of you but I need you to pretend I left to someplace else. Please tell me you wont let the others know Y/N." Azura pleaded as she held my hand with the little strength she had left.
 Looking at her I could see how determined she was to protect her family but I couldn't bring myself to do as she says.
"I never got to say that I love you..." I whisper to her. I was in too much emotional pain to talk any louder. It felt like a piece of me is dying along with her and I can't stop the tears from welling up.
"Don't cry, Y/N, for me one last time..." She whispered as her trembling hand leaves my grasp and caresses my now tear soaked cheek. "I love you too." Her voice was beginning to become fainter and even as my vision went blurry with tears I could see her figure disappear. Managing to do a shaky smile I feel whats left of her hand wipe the tears away. "You have a wonderful smile, Y/N. Even when I'm gone I want you to continue smiling."

  Pulling her to my chest I bury my face in her blue hair as I cry, wishing for the gods to spare her but as silence grows and I feel the weight leave my arms I just completely break down. Cursing the gods for what they have done I look at the murky sky above me and just think. How can I smile and feel happy my happiness has just been taken away from me. Why are the gods so cruel? 

"Y/N? Have you seen Azura? She's nowhere in the castle." I hear Corrin approach me. Wiping the tears from my eyes I turn to Corrin and answer with as calm a voice as I can manage in my state.
"Azura left. She said she...wasn't going to come back but that she cares about all of you." I was doing my best to do as Azura had asked of me but looking at Corrin's red eyes and telling them Azura was fine was harder that I thought. So I opted to looking away and simply stating. "She might not be coming back but shes proud of what we've accomplish and I believe she would want us to rebuild Norh even if she's not here." My voice cracked at the end but thankfully Corrin didn't seem to notice.
"That does sound like Azura, but I wish she would come back someday. It wont be the same without her."
"I know how you feel Corrin but no matter how hard I tried she couldn't stay."

  Even if Azura is no longer with us she still lives on in our memories and heart. It's not what I originally would have preferred but its what's left of her. And that's enough for me. 

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this one shot and like before if you have any request or suggestions don't hesitate to comment.

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