11 // Let The Future Fall Into Place

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"Mom, you promised me you aren't going to cry. Please don't." Jade held the sunflowers in her hands as she stood for what felt liket he 100th picture.

"I did but my baby graduated. I'm so proud of you honey," she kissed her cheek as she ushered her grandma in a pic. Her grandma too was sobbing.

Jade couldn't help but laugh. Graduation was just the next step to making her dream happen and with all the connects she's made she felt like moving to LA towards the fall was going to be a breeze.

"Mind if my grad takes a pic with yours," Zion's mom said as him and his family walked over to Jade's. They all greeted each other as Zion walked over to Jade.

"Is it bad to say you look fine as hell in this cap and gown?"

"I'm literally wearing the same thing as you."

"Once it's off you won't be."

She rolled her eyes as she hugged him. His arms wrapped around her too making her feel was again safe. The last weeks leading up to graduation have been the best weeks of Jade's life. She's finally felt a weight off her shoulder. She finally was free. With Zion now completely hers, and knowing he was safe too, there was nothing that could go wrong for her.

"I'll see you at Edwin house later?"

"You know you will," the two parted their ways.


Jade and Zion found themselves away from the party and on Edwin's roof. The guys once found how it was accessible and since have spent time talking on it. Trying to get Jade to get over her fear of heights was a challenge but they managed to get on it. Jade sat in between Zion's legs as he played with a lock of her hair. She exhaled as she continued looking at the now dark sky; only a few small sprinkles of light surrounded the moon who was shining brighter than ever. The familiar sound of Best I Ever Had by Drake played from the speakers downstairs.

"I love this song so much," Jade said. Zion smiled as he started singing along to the chorus. She could listen to him all day.

"We did it Jade. We graduated and all that shit."

"I know. We're really gonna be starting our lives soon. College, moving, it's all so crazy."

"I'm gonna miss you Jade."

"Let's not do this-"

"No," Jade started to get up but Zion stopped her. He grabbed a hold of her hand and lightly squeezed it. "Jade, I know we have a whole summer to spend with each other but it will never feel like enough. I could spend every waking morning with you and it will never feel enough. You're all I ever wanted and now that I have you, the thought of you leaving is going to kill me. I'll be here for you every waking minute though."

"Z." Jade felt her tears well up. She did a good job not trying to cry during the ceremony and dinner. She wasn't trying to cry over Z's words. The weight behind them hurt though. The pain in knowing their time together would be short. The thought of not seeing him everyday. It all was too unreal for her.

"Before we get off this roof, I just wanna let you know I love you. I'm in love with you. Even if nothing goes as planned, you will ALWAYS have my heart. I will ALWAYS be here for you and I will ALWAYS be ready to get another stab wound because of you," Jade laughed as she wiped away a fallen tear. She cursed Zion in her head as she lifted her head to look up at him.

"Before we get off this roof, I just wanna say I love you too. More than you know. Thank you. Thank you for taking me out of my comfort zone. Thank you for allowing me to be myself. Thank you for supporting anything and everything I do even if it doesn't sound realistic. Thank you for not giving up on finding me. Thank you a million times. You saved me Zion."

"I'm basically a hero and shit now. Damn, I deserve a cape or something like that."

"You sure do know how to ruin an amazing moment," Jade sighed and just before she was going to turn her head back to it's original position, Z grabbed her face and kissed her.

They both could feel each other smiling underneath. The butterflies that were there from the first kiss at the party still were there. They let go and looked back at the sky as Zion sang.

Baby you my everything

You all I ever wanted

A/N: i wanted this short and simple. i hope yall liked this. thanks for rocking with me. i have another story out now called "Poetic Justice" so if you could check that out i would love you forever ! thanks for reading, until next time !

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