3 // Naked Body Fresh Out the Shower

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Jade hurried out of the auditorium after chorus. It was bad enough that she was in the alto section and Zion and the rest of the guys were in the tenors (accept for Austin who was a bass but found himself standing right next to Zion). In the corner of her eye she could see him and the rest of the guys making jokes, yet managing to know all of their parts. Jade had no problem learning the material. Baba Yetu, a song in which they sang in Swahili, was their song for the school's upcoming fall performance. Good news for Jade, she knew the song since she did it last year at her old school; it was her favorite.

She walked into the music room and sat in the last seat of the middle row. She grabbed her phone and opened up her twitter app. Upon noticing she had a notification, she clicked on it.
@zion_kuwonu followed you.

"You finna press my follow button too or?" Zion leaned over Jade's shoulder making her jump a little.

"Fucking a. Don't do that nigga damn."

"Press it."


Zion leaned forward anyway and pressed follow. Jade told herself to remember to unfollow. She might have already tweeted some shit about him. Zion takes the seat to her right as class began. The teacher walked in and looked at her pointing.

"You're the new student. The one who wants to go to LA. What's your name?"

Damn word travels fast around here. Jade thought to herself.

"Hi, I'm Jade King."

"Jade you came at the right time. We are starting to talk about the project. Alright class. As you know this is a year-long songwriting class so we won't be sitting around twiddling our thumbs. You will be collaborating with someone on an EP. I already made groups and they're permanent. Jade since you're new I figured you could inspire Mr. Kuwonu next to you.

"Fuck," she whispered. She slid down in her seat and crossed her arms.

Zion smiled and grinned. It amused him watching her sulk and groan. She'll get over it. Zion was a good writer and he didn't plan to let her do all the work. Plus it'll give him time to get to know her which he does want to do. I mean, since she's going to spend the rest of the year with him and his friends, he might as well.

The teacher went through the rest of the groups and then continued to hand out papers regarding the project,"The first semester is writing the songs. I need 4 songs written/recorded and both of you must feature on all of them. The second half of the year, is promoting the songs and performing them at the end of the year. I want you guys to have a general idea of how you're going to go about the project by next class. However, that's on your own time. Today, we'll be looking at some basic theory."

As he turned around, Zion looked over at Jade who was still slid down in her seat. He poked her shoulder. When she did not acknowledge him the first time. He kept doing it. He felt her body tense up as she got more and more annoyed. He couldn't help but smile as she sat up and looked at him.

"May I help you?"

"You. Afterschool. My place. Talk about this project so you're not forced to see me tomorrow."

Jade sighed deeply. As much as she wanted to go home and sleep she knew that the smart thing to do was to get the outline done with Zion.

"Fine but if I fall asleep or get tired it's your fault. You're interrupting my afternoon nap," he laughed and went back to paying attention. She smiled at him and looked at the board to take notes.

Going to Zion's house was sure to be interesting. It wasn't that Jade hated Zion. She just thought his arrogance and his idea that he can fuck anyone he wanted was annoying. At the same time, she was just so used to keeping to herself. So for her to join a friend group who is so welcoming and interested in her was new. She needed to adapt and she needed to be more open. Maybe hanging out with Zion was a good idea.

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