5 // I'll Be the Happiest if You Decide to Kick it Tonight

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"Girl, it's literally just Zion. I can show up in a trash bag and I'm pretty sure he would be in love," Jade looked at Erin who was digging through the closet.

Erin insisted that she help Jade prepare for this date with Zion. She had to make sure this went smoothly between the two. Plus, Edwin was at helping his dad so she figured she might as well go help her best friend while she waited.

"J, just try and look nice. Wear these with your camo jacket and black converse and we're good."

She handed Jade a pair of leggings and a crop top. She rolled her eyes and put on the clothes. She wasn't exactly nervous for the date. Zion was someone she already knew and he made her feel comfortable. She was just worried about how it would play out. Zion only told her he was taking her out. Despite texting him everyday since the party, begging for answers, he wouldn't budge.

She walked into the bathroom that she shared with her siblings and made final adjustments to her long, thick curly hair. She smiled into the mirror and walked back into the room. Erin looked at her smiling and her hand holding her heart.

"Jade! Come downstairs," her mom yelled up to her. Her and Erin walk downstairs and towards her mom's music studio.

She heard another voice in the room which usually meant one of her friends or bandmates were over. She knocked on the door, waiting to here her voice telling her to come in. Once she got the okay, she walked in to see Zion sitting at the computer. He spun the swivel chair and looked at Jade in awe. He was wearing a Puma tracksuit and light pink Nikes.

The two sat there staring at eachother. Deciding who looked the best was up for debate. Needless to say, both of them felt butterflies overcome their stomachs. Erin smiled as she watched the two of them drool over each other.

"Hey Jade, I decided to come early cause I was bored."

"So you hung out with my mom?"

"She's dope."

"Don't kiss ass little nigga. I still got my eyes on you. Anyway, y'all go ahead and have fun. Zion, bring her back safely. I got all my cousins and uncles watching you now."

"Mom, we'll be fine. I love you. C'mon Z," she kissed her mom goodbye and grabbed Z's arm escorting him out.

"Cousins and uncles?"

"She's not kidding either. Her mom don't play. Anywayyyy, I'm meeting up with Edwin. You two have fun tonight," Erin hugged Jade and Zion as she made her way out the front door.

"Come upstairs with me I gotta grab my bag."

"Already tryna take me to the bedroom? Buy me dinner first," Zion said as he followed the girl into the bedroom.

Zion walked into the bedroom. All over her walls were different vinyls in picture frames hanging on the wall. Among the vinyls, he looked at the ones that were over her bed which were Kanye West's Graduation, Amy Winehouse's Frank and Tupac's All Eyez On Me. He admired the albums knowing they were her favorites. She often talked about them a lot and how they made her want to be in music. Besides that, her desk consisted of books he knows she probably never finished reading. Her bed, was made but you can tell she probably laid on it after making it. Her closet was wide open and stuff was shoved in there in a strangely organized way. She grabbed a charger and her chapsick and shoved it into her little backpack. She picked up her helmet which was resting on the chair of her desk.

"Let's go Kuwonu."

The two walked outside and towards the motorcycle out front. Jade put her helmet on as Z sat down on the bike. He put his on as she hopped on grabbing his waist instantly. No matter how many times she's been on the bike, she always felt like she needed to hold on tight. Each time, Zion touched her hands for a second, as a moment of reassurance. He revved the bike up and soon they were off.

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