1 // New Girl Moved on the Block

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"Yo Z, we about to hit up E's party come through? Z? Z!"

Brandon banged on the door to Zion's bedroom. X-Men by Lil Yatchy was blaring from the room. A groan was heard from the other side and soon a shirtless Zion appeared in the doorway.

"Nigga what? I was just about to get things started." He moved his eye in the direction of his bed. A pretty short blonde girl sat on her phone. She looked up and smiled, waving at B. He rolled his eyes and looked at Zion. He knew Z probably didn't know her name.

"Party at E's. You coming cause we're about to be out? "

"Oh shit yeah lemme get dressed. I'll be down in 5. Aight baby, you gotta go. If you go to E's party I'll see you there."

Zion grabbed the girl who was on his bed and pushed her out the door with Brandon. Brandon, being used to Zion's behavior, escorted her out the room. Zion grabbed the first things in his closet and threw it on without bothering to see what it looked like together.

Zion Kuwonu was the most well sought out senior at East Obama High. Besides the fact he was wildly attractive, he was one of the best male singers in the school. Anyone, who met him (or any of his friends for that matter) was instantly intrigued; guys included. Zion had the ability to stare into your soul and make you fall in love with him; he used this to his full capability and he planned to use this charm tonight at Edwin's party.

Zion and his group of friends, Brandon, Edwin, Austin and Nick, have been friends since 7th grade. From the moment they all met, they have been inseparable. Everyone wanted them and everyone wanted to be them. Since freshman year, Edwin throws 2 parties for everyone to come and just get completely fucked up. This party was the first one of the year. While Brandon, Edwin and Nick all had girlfriends, Austin and Zion took this as the perfect opportunity to make a girls dream come true.

As he walked towards the car, he sees Austin in the front seat and Brandon and Nick in the backseat?

"No girlfriends tonight? They always come with us," Z said as he hops in the passenger seat.

"Nah, they're meeting us there. I guess Erin needed their help," Nick said.

"You got rubbers, Z?"

" Got golden rubbers in these denim pockets," Z revealed two condoms he pulled from his pocket. He grabbed the aux cord that was hanging and plugged in his phone. F*** Love by Xxxtentacion began blasting from the speakers. All the boys started singing along to the song, preparing for the night they were about to have.


"And the party is about to begin. The main event finally showed up."

Edwin walked up to the boys holding his girlfriend, Erin, by the waist. He dapped up the boys with his free hand as they entered the house. Heads turned as the boys walked in. Giggles from girls came and murmurs from guys were heard. The idea that people were talking about them did not affect the boys; they didn't really care.

"The girls were worried you weren't going to show up," Erin said.

"Like we're going to miss this tradition? No way," Austin scoffed and took a seat on the couch. In the living room, Brandon's girlfriend, Caroline and Nick's girlfriend, Aryana, sat.

"Wait, where's Jade?"

"She said she needed a couple of hits. She needed a break," Caroline shifted her body so her boyfriend could sit. Aryana did the same. Zion and Austin leaned against the wall, searching for their next mission.

"Ugh , I'll go get her. I'll be back."

"Who's Jade?"

Nick looked at his girlfriend but before she could respond, Edwin handed him a red solo cup of jungle juice. He did the same with all the boys as he spoke.

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