[33] *~Chess's Route~*

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//Sorry it isn't as written as good and as long as other chapters but I've been pretty unmotivated and out of ideas but I still hope you'll like this chapter ;w;//

(M/n) woke up with his face deadly close to Chess's.

He held in a scream as he stared at the cat's sleeping face. What time was it? How did they get this close? Rubbing the sleep off of his eyes, he slowly tried to sit up, but realized Chess's arm was draped over his stomach. He felt his heart thump in his throat.

'  What do I do... I don't want to wake Chess up...' He sighed before laying back down. March and Dorie were still asleep. And he was being spooned by Chess. He covered his face with his hands as he tried to think of a way of not waking him up.

"He could be a heavy sleeper, so I guess it's okay to just get his arm—OFF?!" He stifled a scream about to pop from his lungs as Chess pulled him closer and hugged him tighter. He could practically feel his breath against his forehead.

"Mm..." Hesitant, (M/n) tried looking up. He got a zoomed in image of Chess's messy good looks. His bangs messily covered his eyes. His mouth was slightly agape and he was muttering incoherent things. But there was one thing he caught.

"Don't leave me...." He saw how Chess's eyebrows furrowed while he muttered that. His jaw tightened and he looked like he was about to...cry.

(M/n) pursed his lips and brushed away his messy bangs from his face. A single tear had managed to slip from his right eye. What was he dreaming about? He didn't think twice about waking him up. He shook him awake, and immediately golden eyes shot open.

Chess was breathing heavily despite not even doing anything. He blinked several times before realizing (M/n) was in front of him. His breathing gradually decreased into soft sighs. "(M/n)..."

"Are you okay?" (M/n) said as he helped Chess sit up. The cat rested his head in his hands. "I'm...fine." He breathed out. His heart had been throbbing in his ears painfully, almost like needles piercing his eardrums. Even his head was throbbing. His sight was so blurry he couldn't figure out what was moving and what was not.

"Did you have a nightmare?" The (H/c) haired male sat closer to Chess, rubbing circles on his back. Chess was silent for a certain amount of time, which wasn't like him. A few minutes passed before he spoke.

"You could say that... I'm sorry." Chess pulled his knees closer to his chest as he ducked his head under his arms. His ears folded at the either side of his head. (M/n) also pulled his knees to his chest. "Sorry for what?"

"That you had to see this. I rarely have nightmares and when I have one, it's...terrifying. The other don't know about this." He said, tapping his foot a bit.

(M/n)'s eyebrows knitted together in worry. "But why didn't you tell them about it?" He waited for an answer, but all Chess gave him was silence. His tail slithered like a snake on the grass. He noticed the sun was almost meeting the horizon, casting beautiful colors all across the sky.

"If I told them, they would just worry even more about me. They're already worried about my sudden mood changes. I can't let them worry about the nightmares or me anymore. They don't have to, even if they're my friends."

Chess raised his head and looked at (M/n). But it appeared that he was looking afar rather than him. His golden eyes reflected the light bouncing off the sky. It was almost hypnotizing to look at.

After for what seemed like a long time, Chess finally spoke. "It's almost sunset. We should probably pack our things." He got up and held out his hand for (M/n) to take.  He gladly took it and stood up.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now