[30] *~Chess's Route~*

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//Sorry, this is a short chapter ;w;//

"You've outdone yourself with these cupcakes, Alistair~"

"A-Ah, t-thank you, Your Majesty..."

"Alistair, what did I tell you about calling me 'Your Majesty' when we're with each other? It's Lukas."

"Apologies, Lukas... I just kind of gotten used to calling you 'Your Majesty'." Alistair's ears stood up when he heard to turning of a doorknob and the creak of the door.

(M/n) walked in, eyes widening when he saw the flamboyant presence of the maroon haired male wearing a glimmering crown sitting on Alistair's wine hued couch. He noticed him and waved his hand, his lips curling into a smile. "You must be (M/n). It's remarkable to finally meet you~" He said, a joyful tone lacing his princely voice.

(M/n) felt his chest tighten in nervousness as he timidly tried not to embarrass himself in front of the Red Queen. "It's an honor to meet you too, Y-Your Majesty..." He said with a quivering voice.

The queen laughed before standing up, his cape dangling from his shoulders. "No need for formalities~ Since you're Alistair's friend, you can call me Lukas~!" He walked up to him and held his hands in his, making the other male blush.

Alistair's mood switched as he looked at his childhood friend with irritation. "Lukas, please refrain from flirting with him. I can tell what your intentions are." He said, furrowing his eyebrows. Lukas let out a laugh and winked, sticking his tongue out towards the rabbit.

"Okay~! You're scary when you're irritated, Al~! Haha!" He sweatdropped as Alistair sighed. (M/n) merely stood there, dumbfounded and nervous. He...did not expect the queen to be quite playful. He thought he was a serious leader, but he wouldn't be surprised seeing that all the characters in this Wonderland are molded differently apart from the original.

Alistair stood up from the couch and headed towards (M/n)'s direction. He placed a hand over his head and patted him gently, making the smaller male relax a bit. This made Alistair chuckle.

"So, how was the Teacup Garden?" He asked, tilting his head in wonder. (M/n) looked up, (E/c) orbs gazing into ruby ones. "Oh! I got to meet Chess and Allan there. They were arguing and Allan had to go in his house. Then..." The memory of the kiss made (M/n) face flare up, making Alistair concerned.

"Is something the matter?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in worry. (M/n) shook his head, laughing nervously. "I-It's nothing! Anyway, I also got to know March and Dorie more!" He continued on while the blush on his cheeks was still apparent.

Alistair was not convinced, but he respected it if it embarrassed (M/n) too much to not talk about it so he won't pressure him to tell him. Then (M/n) tugged on his shirt. "Oh, I also got to meet Chess by the river tomorrow. We're having a picnic along with March and Dorie!" His tone switched from nervousness to excitement. It surprised Alistair.

"Is that so? Then that's great! I'm proud you're making a lot of friends!" He smiled widely as he unconsciously held (M/n)'s hands. But even if he was happy, Alistair felt unnerved. He wasn't sure if he wanted (M/n) to go. He wanted to know about him more, but he also wanted him to make friends. He told him he never had friends up in the surface, so it was his chance. But...he can't help but feel hollow.

He was snapped out of his thinking train and into reality by Lukas, who called out his name. "Alistair, I think it's time for me to depart. It's already getting late and I doubt they'd let me off curfew. So farewell, dear friend." Then he turned towards (M/n) with a soft smile. "And to you too, (M/n). I hope to see you soon~!"

With a flourish of his cape, he elegantly strode off the living room and went outside, two card knights guarding at each side of him. Alistair sighed, slightly deeper than the one before. "Seriously, could that man be anymore showy?" His eyes widened when he came to realize he was still holding (M/n)'s hands. He quickly retracted his own as he stumbled over his hurdles of words. "I-I-I'm truly sorry!"

The smaller male frantically waved his hands. "It's okay, Alistair! I'm perfectly fine with it!" He tried to reassure him, resting his hand on his shoulder. It took him awhile, but Alistair finally calmed down from his embarrassment.

"So, you, Chess, and the little brothers of Allan are going to have a picnic by the river?" He set himself down once again on the couch, resting his hands on his lap. (M/n) sat down beside him.

"Yes. Oh! And the day after, Chess is taking me to the orphanage. But can I ask you a favor, Alistair? Could you make some biscuits for tomorrow? I know it's a big favor but—"

"Anything for you, (M/n)~!" The rabbit's ears stood up as he clapped his hands together. He didn't mind baking some assorted biscuits for (M/n)'s gathering tomorrow. And it was honestly an honor to bake by his own request. The male's eyes sparkled as his face brightened.

"Really?! Thank you so much, Alistair!" He smiled widely at him as Alistair took in how adorable he was when he was happy. "I could whip up a fresh batch of cookies before I go attend the Red Queen 's court~ I wish I could come with you though, it's such a shame that I can't." He said, looking into pools of (E/c).

That made (M/n) look down. "Yeah, I'm a bit sad that you can't come. We could have had a splash fight together." He twiddled with his thumbs as he glanced away, his lips pressed against each other. Alistair patted his head in reassurance.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll accompany you guys to your next gathering. I'll bring even more snacks as compensation~" Chess would enjoy that, he thought. (M/n) looked up at him with hopeful eyes. Then his lips tugged upwards. "Okay~"

The sounds of the clock chiming gained both of their attention. The wooden rabbit jumped around the clock until it went back inside by the final chime. Alistair hummed. "I guess we should sleep. Come along now,"

They went upstairs and into the bedroom. The moon shined the darkness with a faint blue light. (M/n) sat on the bed and exhaled, looking down at his hands that were clasped against each other. Alistair smiled softly and went to comb his hair with his fingers. "You should head to sleep if you want to be ready for tomorrow. Good night, (M/n)."

"Good night, Alistair." (M/n) rested his head on the pillow and tucked himself in the sheets. Alistair looked at him once more before turning and heading for the door.

Darkness enveloped him as (M/n) shut his eyes. His breath was shallow and slow. But before he could succumb to unconsciousness, he heard an entrancing voice from outside. He opened his eyes and sat up, staring at the balcony. The voice kept singing as he made his way to the balcony.

Opening the balcony doors, he was greeted with a cold breeze prickling his skin. (M/n) hugged himself for warmth. Despite the temperature, he heard the voice more clearly. It was male. Deep and entrancing. There was only one thought in (M/n)'s mind. He wanted to hear more.

He sat down on one of the chairs and looked around the sea of trees, trying to find the source of the voice. But it seemed like the forest was merely the amplifier. The voice echoed throughout the area.

(M/n) was hypnotized by the sound of his voice and he wanted to listen to it more, but for some reason it stopped and he was left with the silence of the breeze passing by. He blinked, realizing he was spaced out. "Who was singing...?"

He decided to shake it off and head inside. He had been in here for too long. Who knows, he could have been hallucinating. But he doubted that thought because Wonderland is capable of things even beyond imaginary. It could have been just the trees singing in one voice. With that, he was convinced and his mind was at ease. Well, a tiny bit.

As (M/n) drifted into a peaceful sleep with the song in his head, he wasn't able to take notice of the shadow that formed from the light in the balcony, sitting at the very edge.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now