[19] *~Alistair's Route~*

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//Okay, I have to admit, the new character here looks pretty hot in my head//

The very sight of those familiar sky blue locks and azure eyes sickened Alistair to the core. Rancis leaned over to (M/n), looking at him with an almost predator-ish look. Out of fright, (M/n) looked down and shut his mouth tight.

Alistair clicked his tongue and removed the arm that was wrapped around (M/n)'s shoulders and glared harshly at Rancis. "What are you doing here, Rancis."

The bluenette grinned innocently and waved at Alistair. "Oh hello, Alis! I didn't see you there~" Through those glasses, the rabbit knew those eyes meant trouble.

"Cut the act, please. I know how you act around me and you need not do the same to (M/n)." Alistair squinted his eyes at Rancis who was laughing. The smile on his face didn't move an inch. His attention went from (M/n) to Alistair and he patted his head. "Don't be like that, Alis! You're hurting my feelings~"

"I doubt you even have feelings." With a click of his tongue, Alistair slapped away the hand that was touching his head. Rancis gave him a closed eye grin. "That's what I like about you, Alis~ You turn feisty when it comes to me~"

(M/n) watched as Alistair's lively and caring attitude was replaced with pure irritation towards the glasses wearing male. It was a gradually shocking as he was even close to hitting him. To help him calm down, (M/n) tugged down on Alistair's sleeve, catching his complete attention.

The rabbit understood the gesture and let out a deep sigh. "Look, Rancis. I really have no time for your shenanigans outside the library. There is something (M/n) want to buy and I'm accompanying him. So with all due respect, we must bid you farewell."

Before Alistair though of bolting into the crowd with (M/n), Rancis asked a perfectly normal question. "What does (M/n) want to buy?" He crossed his arms, tilting his head in wonder.

Blinking, Alistair glanced at the other male. "A galaxy painted pendant. I saw it back when Alistair was touring me around The Capital." (M/n) gladly explained, though avoiding eye contact with the man in front of him.

As if it couldn't get any wider, Rancis smiled. "Oh, I know where that is! I'll be happy to guide you to its destination, but I know very well Alistair wouldn't approve. Right, Alis?" He placed his hands on his waist and looked at Alistair deviously.

He knew Rancis could never be trusted. He always did like it when he saw him struggle finding his favorite book in the library (in which he hid on purpose), disturbing him as he read, also going as far as to flirt with him. He didn't know his ulterior motives. He has always been a hard one to read. It was as if he were a book with a lock with no key.

His mind was debating whether or not to take his offer or find the necklace by themselves. He preferred the latter because he practically memorized the way into each alleyway and nook and cranny of The Capital due to the requirements of being The Red Queen's messenger. So he scratched his neck and bowed.

"We can handle ourselves, but I appreciate the offer, Rancis. May you have a good day." Alistair said before patting (M/n)'s shoulder and urging him to follow. (M/n) pressed his lips together before tailing him, not looking back.


"Wow, I can't believe Alistair handled that pretty well." Allan remarked as he raised his sunglasses up, peeking from the alleyway they were in. Chess sweatdropped. "I'm somehow glad I'm not the one Al is the most irritated with... He looked like he was about to kill him if it weren't for (M/n)."

"Yeah... Come on, let's continue following them. I don't want to have to run like a crazy maniac again because we lost them once." Allan concluded before walking away from the alley and into the crowd.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now