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Jungkook's p.o.v.

I had just finished showering when I heard my phone in my room. I waked in and picked it up, seeing a notification from Soojung.

Kookie, I miss you so much. Please, let's just talk, I'm really sorry.

Why can't you just go?

Because I don't want you to hate me forever.

I don't want to do this, Soojung. We can just go the rest of our lives without having to see y'all to each other again.

Jungkook I don't want that. I made a mistake and I'm so sorry.

Fine. Be at my house in 20 minutes.

I really didn't want to see Soojung or have to talk to her, but this seemed to be the only way to get her to leave me alone.

I changed and went downstairs to wait. Part of me felt like she wasn't actually going to come. I got my answer when I heard the doorbell ring.

I sighed and got up from my seat and went to open the door. Soojung was standing on the doorstep. Her lips were pressed together and she was looking down at her feet before looking up at me.

I told her to come in and we sat down in the chairs at the counter. She played with her hands and I was getting annoyed. She begged me so much to come and talk to me and now she won't even talk.

"Are you going to say something?" You could hear the irritation in my voice.

"Sorry. I just wanted to apologize." She said nervously. "You've told me that already. That's all you wanted to say?"

She shook her head and looked at me. "I wanted to explain myself." I looked at her, telling her to go on.

"I was walking through Y/N's neighborhood one day and I saw you at her doorstep. At first I thought you were talking to Hoseok, but then I saw you hug her and I knew it wasn't him. And then I saw you go into her house.." Her voice trailed off.

"I'm stupid." She faceplanted her hands and rubbed her eyes. "I thought way to fast and let my emotions get the best of me. I didn't even stop to think that you could've just been catching up, since you two hadn't been talking for a little while. Instead I acted like an idiot and started making stupid assumptions. And now that I say it out loud I realize how dumb it all sounds."

I nodded my head. "True." True was all I could say. Because it was. We had been catching up. She had made assumptions. It was dumb. It was all true.

"Soojung. I don't want you to think that it all ended because of that one night. There were problems before even that happened." She looked up at me with wide eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked.

"It wasn't completely you. It was mostly the relationship itself. It didn't feel right. I also hadn't been spending very much time with my friends, and they'll come before anyone else. Before you and anyone else I date and have ever dated."

"You could've still hung out with them. It's not like I told you you couldn't spend time with them. It was your choice to stay with me." She complained.

"It was also my choice to leave you." She crossed her arms over her chest. "And what did I do wrong?" She asked.

"You took me away from my friends, like I just said. That was the biggest issue. And yes, I understand that it was also my fault, but if I hadn't been with you I would've been with them. And the whole 4 years without talking to us. You always say that you were afraid to come up to us, but that's a shitty excuse."

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