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Y/N's p.o.v.

It had been a week since I'd seen the whole group. Jin and Yoongi already graduated school and I was walking down the street trying to clear my mind. It had been a stressful week and I needed to try and relax. Before I knew it, I wandered into the next neighborhood.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I heard an unpleasant voice and shook my head, hoping I was imagining the voice. "Are you going to answer?" She asked rudely. I finally looked up and regretted it. Standing in front of me was Soojung.

She crossed her arms and glared at me. "Don't
you have something better to do than bother me when I'm trying to get some peace?" I asked her.

"Excuse me, bitch. You're in my neighborhood." She gave me a look of disbelief, as if she couldn't believe I would talk to her that way. "Last time I checked you didn't own this place." She rolled her eyes.

"What is your problem?" I asked her when she wouldn't move out of my way. "You. You're my problem." Her voice was laced with anger.

"What did I do?" I laughed at the girl seething in front of me.

"Stay away from Jungkook." She didn't answer my question and I already knew the answer.

"You don't need to blame me for problems you have with Jungkook." I scoffed at her. She seriously couldn't just let go. "You're the entire reason we broke up." She glared at me and I could tell she was getting angrier every second she spent by me.

"What do you even mean?" I asked her. "You always acting like you're so fucking innocent. And I'm always the only one who can see through your stupid little act."

"Are you going to elaborate on what you're talking about or are you just going to keep talking about how much you hate me? Because I don't have time for this." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Jungkook was finally happy with someone. But you don't like me, so he dumped me to make you happy." She huffed. "You always keep Jungkook to yourself and it's not fair. You don't own him."

"And you don't own him either." With that I finally managed to walk around her and she turned around, glaring daggers in my back.

I'd really hoped this wall would help me relieve my stress. Sometimes you don't always get what you want.

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