The Maid of Honour & The Jerky Best Man {Chapter 13}

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LO aka pinkdots21 © 2010

All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 13:

I was putting my locker combination in when Maggie came from behind and scared the hell out of me. I think my heart just skipped a beat.

"That was not funny" I said in monotone voice.

"You should of seen your face" Maggie chuckled uncontrollably. I gave her a smug face and continued on getting my books from my locker. Maggie's chuckling came to a stop after awhile. Then it was just silence.

"Maggie?" I called out.

"Hmm.." she beamed.

"Something wrong? You're not usual self today. The loud and happy Maggie" I said sarcastically.

"Something's really weird lately; and I'm not the only one noticing it" she raised an eyebrow. I turned my attention and followed her eye's direction. Across the hallway, it was Shane and Stella. Shane had his back facing Stella, while Stella was trying to sticking her 'stuff' against Shane's back.

"I don't get what's fishy?" I asked.

"Fish! Where?" Maggie snapped out of her trance. She moved her attention and faced me again.

"The thing is.. that" she pointed to the act that Stella was playing "is weird.." I couldn't tell if she was serious or sarcastic. I tilted my head to the side gesturing her to explain.

"Usually, if Stella did that.. They'd be in the last aisle of the library.." Maggie glanced down at her watch and lifted her head "say in about three to five minutes, tops. Shane wouldn't miss a chance to get laid before class" she said calmy.

"Okk. That's weird, I g-guess" I said drawing my words out.

"But ever since you arrived a month ago; Shane's been behaving. I think it's because of you" she squinted her eyes at me and pointed a long finger at me.

"Because of me? Why is this my fault?" I asked, shocked.

"It's not your fault, Frankie. I'm just saying, it's probably because of you.." she explained, looking away. She turned her head back in my direction and once again snapped out of her trance.

"I think Shane likes you" she breathed. I burst out laughing, I swear. Maggie is really the joker.

"You know what Mags? You should... have your own comedy show.. cos the things you say are hilarious! You serious? Shane.. like me?" I laughed even more.

Maggie started laughing and looked at me then stopped. "I'm funny, no?" she giggled.

"Yeah, you're hilarious!" I chuckled.

Her laughing stopped and she put a serious face again. "Shut up, I was being serious."

"Maggie, that would never ever happen. Even in a million years" I said.

"How do you know that?" she asked.

"It's simple, I'm not his type and neither is he mine" I explained.

"What is his type?" Maggie asked.

"Girls like Stella and you, for instance" stating the matter of fact.

"Girls like me and Stella? Please explain how I ended up in the same category as Miss Hoe?!" she looked pretty annoyed by now.

"You're tall, curvy in the right places, you've got a bigger chest than me and you hair is the sandy tone that Shane likes and Stella just happens to have exactly the same features as you. Except your personality is a big difference. You're the tough type of girl while Stella's an easy hump" I explained, as we started walking to class.

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