Eleven - "I like you"

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Allyson's POV (Crystal's little sister)

I lay on my bed with my laptop perched upon my lap. My purple blackout curtains were pulled shut, leaving my bedroom in near darkness. The early summer sun was beginning to set in Los Angeles, so if my curtains were opened, I wouldn't get much light anyway. It was nearing 8:30, and I had just eaten dinner with Mom and Dad-it was a late dinner,-and afterward I made my way back up to my room where a plan to stay until mid-afternoon tomorrow.

My laptop was opened to twitter, where I was slowly scrolling through my time line, reading tweets but not tweeting anything myself. This was a usual thing. I highly doubt I could go more than a few hours without twitter. It's the place where I've made so many friends and where I can express myself without my family or real-life friends-although I don't have many-pestering me about it. I made sure to block my sister and the people that go to my school; it'd be quite embarrassing if they were to read what I talk about, to be honest.

Although twitter is my 'home', there is way too much drama on it to even begin to comprehend. Since, I have a fan page for Justin, the drama is obviously revolving around him. It gets really annoying that a vast majority of this fan base start rumors and drama over nothing. Any article about him suddenly is the entire discussion for the day. If he hangs out with a girl, she's suddenly a 'slut'. It doesn't make sense to me how people can call any girl that is in Justin's life a slut purely because she's around him. More often than not, the girl isn't, and they hate on her for nothing.

I continued scrolling through my time line, then began to follow back people that wanted me too, I replied to DM's, then I went to my mentions. Many of them were of the picture I took with Justin yesterday. Every time I see the picture I can't stop smiling. The fact that I met the one person that means the absolute world to me still doesn't seem real. I constantly expect myself to wake up in the middle of the night to realize that it was only a dream. It wouldn't be the first time it happened. Dreams about me meeting Justin came up quite often, and when I woke up I would be completely disappointed.

He was so kind, and genuine. I always knew he would be like that, but experiencing it is totally different. He didn't wipe the smile off of his face once and made sure we all got pictures and got to talk to him. And don't even get me started on how he looks. I've seen more pictures of him than I can count but none of that compares to seeing him up close, and touching his skin, hugging him, smelling him. The whole thing was-and still is-so surreal to me.

After a little while longer, I went back to my time line, reading the endless amount of drama that came from the Belieber fandom. Right now, the major talk was about a girl seen entering Justin's house; or, well, that what I'm assuming from the content of the tweets. Looking a little longer, I came across a picture somebody posted that has everyone talking. I clicked on the picture to enlarge it.

When it came up bigger on my computer screen, I understood what everyone was talking about. It was clearly taken from outside Justin's house by paparazzi, and Justin stood at the opened front door hugging a girl around her waist, while her arms were wrapped around his neck. I'm assuming this girl had just arrived  from the way the image looks. I couldn't see her face since the picture only showed the back of her head, but she had medium length blonde hair, pretty similar to mine, and she wasn't short nor was she tall.

Most people on Twitter were saying that it was "Justin's latest slut", and "She's probably just another girl he's fucking," or "What about Selena?". I rolled my eyes at that one. People can't seem to understand that Justin is allowed and fully able to date girls that aren't Selena, and I don't understand why any time he hangs out with a girl she's labeled as a slut. I wasn't going to comment or tweet about the picture, because with my follower count, I'd only be spreading the drama and spreading opinions that didn't need to be shared.

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