The Sins of the Fathers

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong To Hiro Mashima

TRIGGER WARNING: Although the sexual abuse depicted is not graphic it can still be triggering. If you have been abused consider that before reading. I chose to depict it from the perspective of an observer rather than the child involved to make it a little easier to digest but it is still upsetting.

Chapter 10: The Sins of The Fathers

Zeref's phone rang disturbing him from his thoughts. He stretched his arm to grab it from his night stand and look at the caller ID, it read Silver Fullbuster, Office.


"Morning, Zeref. Listen something's come up and I need to reschedule your appointment to this afternoon. Can you come at 3:00? All my other patients are in hospital today so I'll just see them earlier. We can do your tests and head to the lawyer's office from here. Sound good?", Silver said using what Zeref liked to call his doctor voice.

"Sure. That works out well for me, I have to run some errands before the trip anyway."

"Great, see you then. Bye."

Zeref went to say goodbye but Silver had already hung up. He decided to go ahead and get up and check on Wendy. He had felt bad about denying her last night but he had really needed some time to himself. He hadn't even realized how much he needed to let his emotions out until he had started crying. Wendy's wails had tore at his heart and Natsu's panic attack had scared the shit out of him. Of all the reactions he had been expecting from his younger brother that one had never even occurred to him. Seeing Laxus with his arms around Natsu while he was vulnerable had brought back feelings that he thought he had buried long ago. He was going to have to apologize to his cousin.

He knew Laxus felt bad about what he had done, hell he knew he had been as much of a victim as Natsu, probably even more so but he just couldn't forgive him. It was one more thing he would have to work on with his therapist. He really wanted to get to a place where he could offer the forgiveness he knew Laxus needed. He hoped he could get to that point before he died. If yesterday's reaction was any indicator it was going to take awhile.

He went to Wendy's room and knocked on the door. When he got no answer he opened her door and saw the room was empty. 'Of course', he thought, 'She didn't want to be alone last night, she must have stayed with Natsu.' He closed the door and headed for the room next to hers.

Once again he knocked lightly but got no response. He opened this door as well and saw Wendy and Natsu asleep on the bed, Wendy holding on to her brother in her sleep. He smiled at how sweet they looked and took a picture with his phone. He realized that they hadn't really taken many pictures since their dad died.

'That needs to change', he thought. Even though he hated being in pictures he wanted them to have many happy memories of him after he was gone. Enough to last them a lifetime. This vacation should be a good start. He thought of walks on the beach and bonfires at night, of short hikes that he should be able to handle. He added a digital camera to the list of items he needed to buy while he was out.

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