The First Master

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong To Hiro Mashima

Chapter 2: The First Master

I stared at the blinking cursor at the top the empty Google Docs page . I was running out of time to publish my first assignment but I just couldn't think of anything to write. My mind was a complete blank. I had spent most of my time getting sucked into other people's work. There were stories on just about everything I could think of. There were only three days left before school let out and Mr. Conbolt had demanded that I publish something so he could test everything out before summer break.

I looked at the section called Legacy User Stats under Traffic Stats.

'You are on the favorites list of 2 members.'

When I clicked on the number 2 it showed the names of the two users as Ladies-Man, which I can only assume is Gildarts idea of a joke and Purple-Fire.

'Just write anything, it doesn't matter what', I screamed at myself.

Just to amuse myself I wrote:

It was a dark and stormy night.

I looked at it for awhile and then snorted. It didn't work for Snoopy so I suppose I should not be surprised when it didn't do much for me either. That phrase almost guarantees writer's block. I deleted the words and got up to get a snack.

"Still stuck?", Wendy asked me from the dining room. She was having a snack as well so I sat down to join her.

"Yeah, I just can't think of anything.", I said with frustration, "I thought it would be easy to write about whatever I wanted but I don't seem to have anything to say."

Wendy had been thinking of this for a few days. She wasn't sure how her brother was going to react to her suggestion but she figured it was worth a shot.

"What about Fairy Tail?", Wendy suggested carefully.

"What about it?"

"Why don't you write some of those? I used to love those stories."

I looked at her, surprised that she even remembered.

"Those were just kid stories.", I said evenly.

"Maybe, but you already wrote them years ago. At least it would get your first requirement done."

I stared at her and thought about her suggestion, she kind of had a point and I certainly had not been able to come up with anything better after days of trying.

When I was younger I'd had a group of friends that I was very close to. Gray, Erza and Lucy had been my best friends and we used to be together all the time.

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