The Last Day of School

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima

Chapter 6: The Last Day of School

Gray managed to wake himself up earlier than usual. He looked around his room and although he saw Natsu's stuff all over the floor he saw no sign of the boy himself. For once he had time for a shower and he smiled when he saw Natsu's and Wendy's toiletries in the bathroom. He found it mildly amusing that he finally managed this on the last day of school. He got dressed and listened for the sounds of his friends voices but only heard his parents talking in the kitchen.

He hurried downstairs and entered the kitchen hoping his mother had made breakfast. He spotted a plate with scrambled eggs, toast and bacon and a glass of orange juice sitting on the breakfast bar. He grabbed it and sat down to eat.

"Good morning, Gray.", his mother greeted him.

"Morning. Where are Natsu and Wendy?", Gray managed to get out in between bites.

"They left about twenty minutes ago. Natsu had to drop Wendy off at school.", his mother informed him.

"So how come they're staying here, anyway?", Gray asked , "And where were you guys last night? You never got out on weeknights."

"Zeref just needed some time to himself", Mika quickly answered. Gray did not miss the look that was exchanged between his parents. Something was up.

"We just went out to dinner with some friends.", SIlver added, "Did you kids have a good time?"

Gray gave it some thought. "Yeah, we just played video games and ordered pizza. It was fun."

"I'll have to make sure Natsu doesn't try to take the Switch with him when he goes home.", Gray chuckled, "You should have seen him drool over it."

Once again his parents looked at each other almost as if they were having a silent conversation which ended when Silver shook his head. Okaaaay, that was odd.

Gray looked at his watch and put his dish in the dishwasher. "I have to go."

He grabbed his things and headed out of the house. He finally looked at his phone. He had a bunch of messages from Erza, Lucy and Loke but he decided to check his email before looking through them. He saw a PM: Flame-Brain email from fanfiction and stopped walking. He had actually replied! Feeling unusually nervous he opened the email to read what Natsu had written to him.

"I'm surprised you found my story but I'm glad you liked it. Natsu will continue to search for his dragon for years. Eventually he'll come to realize that he doesn't need to search for him anymore because the dragon has been inside him the whole time in his heart and in his mind and everytime he behaves in a way that would have made Igneel happy he has in essence found his dragon. How's that for deep :)?

I wasn't planning on writing any more stories about Fairy Tail but my sister requested one so I will write at least one more.

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