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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Character Belong To Hiro Mashima

Chapter 1: Fanfiction.Net

I sat in front of the computer staring at the screen in front of me. The top of the screen read Fanfiction | Unleash Your Imagination followed by a Sign Up dialogue giving me multiple login options I can use to create my account.

I looked at it some more, asking myself for the hundredth time if I was really going to do this. My thoughts went back to the situation that had led me to consider signing up to this site in the first place.

My brother Zeref, being the nosy older brother that he was he took it upon himself to make some phone calls to the high school that I attended, Fairy Tail High. He made an appointment to speak to the principal Makarov Dreyar, as well as the school counselor Gildarts Clive about his dearest younger brother Natsu Dragneel. That's me in case you haven't figured it out yet.

Why you might ask yourself, would an older brother do this instead of leaving it up to the responsible parental figure in the family? Well, that would be because there is no longer one. Zeref is it, older brother and father all rolled up into one gloomy, sardonic, insufferable bastard. At least he cares about us I guess, and is old enough to be able to keep us together.

Our father, Igneel Dragneel, was murdered by his long suffering rival, Acnologia. One day he was there, the next the police came to our house to alert all three of his children that he would never be returning to our home. Did I mention I also have a younger sister? Her name is Wendy and she is twelve years old. She might be the only thing Zeref and I agree on.

The policeman that informed us of the matter must have lost his heart years ago because he informed us of our father's murder like he was reciting what the soup of the day was at our favorite restaurant. I was so angry I punched him, as Zeref and Wendy looked on horrified. Thankfully, the man did not press charges for my having assaulted a police officer. After he left, Zeref whispered that he had never been more proud of me. I don't think I was meant to hear it but hell, at least I can say he was proud of me once.

Anyway, I digress. Zeref attended said meeting and next thing I know I was getting pulled out of my English class by the loudspeaker requesting my presence in the principal's office. I grabbed my belongings, ignoring the curious faces of the other students including the group that I used to call friends, but that's a story for another chapter. I made my way to the principal's office, hands sweaty because I figured nothing good could come of this heart to heart. I mean I knew Zeref was coming, he had told me. I arrived and took a deep breath before I opened the door. The school secretary Laki gave me a reassuring smile and I nodded. I opened the door to resounding laughter.

I don't know what I was expecting but clearly I had forgotten how good Zeref was at acting normal and getting people to like him, something I myself lacked. Zeref sat at a chair looking relaxed but I could seem him quickly analyzing my mood as I made my way inside. He'd been doing that a lot lately. I suppose I never mentioned why he felt the need to make this appointment did I?

Zeref and Wendy were worried about me. According to them ever since Igneel was murdered I had changed. I would like to point out at this time that that is not at all true. I have not changed at all, I have just lost the will to pretend around people. I suppose you could say I had let my true inner demon out. Where before I would spend a lot of energy trying to control my fiery temper, and act in ways that would make people like me I was now done. Let's face, it's not worth it, because one day you could be making your kids favorite meal only to be murdered the next. What was the fucking point of following all these rules and social conventions when life was so very fleeting?

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