Chapter 29

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So I woke up brushed my teeth and hair then I realized it is my date with Ivan today to I quickly got dressed

So I woke up brushed my teeth and hair then I realized it is my date with Ivan today to I quickly got dressed

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I got dressed into that^^^ anyway I went downstairs and everyone was there except Ivan. I went to the kitchen to get breakfast then I felt some pair of hands grabbing my waist so I turned around and see Ivan so I put my hands around his neck and told him what was he doing and he told me nothing I just really wanted to hug you and I told him ohh okay.
When I was done eating breakfast I went to my room to upload then I heard a knock on the door I yelled out come in and it was Ivan.
Y/N-Ohh hey Ivan
Ivan- Hi Y/N
Y/N-So what are you doing here?
Ivan-Nothing I just wanted to see you
Y/N-ohh okay
Ivan-Are you ready to tonight?
Y/N-Yeah are you?
Ivan-Well YEAH
Ivan-Why are you laughing
Y/N-I don't know its just funny okay
Y/N-Ivan so where are we going on are date
Ivan-It's a surprise
Y/N-Just tell me please
Ivan-No I can't ruin the surprise
Y/N-Fine then
Y/N-Hey look at the time
Ivan-It's 4:30
Y/N-I should be getting ready for our date
Ivan-You take 1 hour and 30 minuets to get ready
Y/N-No half of that time is just to goof around
Ivan-I  guess you should get ready then see you in a bit
*End of conversation*
When we left I was starting to get dressed.

*Conversation*Y/N-Ohh hey IvanIvan- Hi Y/NY/N-So what are you doing here?Ivan-Nothing I just wanted to see you Y/N-ohh okay Ivan-Are you ready to tonight? Y/N-Yeah are you?Ivan-Well YEAHY/N-Okay*laughing*Ivan-Why are you laughing Y/N-I don't know ...

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First I did my make up^^^

Then I got dressed into this^^^When I check the time it was already 5:55pmso I went downstairs and Ivan was already waiting for me

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Then I got dressed into this^^^
When I check the time it was already 5:55pm
so I went downstairs and Ivan was already waiting for me. Ivan told me I looked beautiful I told him he looks handsome anyway we went to the car then he took me to the beach he told me to close my eyes so that is what I did. We got off the car and we had taking me to this place and then he told me to open my eyes and I did. When I opened then I couldn't believe it.

He did all this for me^^ I gave him a hug because it was just so beautiful

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He did all this for me^^ I gave him a hug because it was just so beautiful. We talked and realizes about stuff. Then we went to play and look at the sun set. We where playing together we where running and somehow we ended up on top of each other and then we started  to kiss. When we were kissing I could feel one of his hand making it up my thighs. Then he started kissing me on my neck I could tell he left me a mark. We were making out but then we stopped because we where out of breath. We decide to go back to the team 10 house so we went. We where at the front steps Ivan asked me something. He told me......

Hope you liked it

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