Chapter 9

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I woke up then I remembered that I have a date with Ivan I was so happy so I went brushed my teeth and got dressed

Into this^^^ I went downstairs ate my breakfast then when I heard Erika and Tessa calling my name out I told them what's wrong and then they said if it's true if that I am going on a date with Ivan and I said yes  they where screaming a lot I told...

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Into this^^^ I went downstairs ate my breakfast then when I heard Erika and Tessa calling my name out I told them what's wrong and then they said if it's true if that I am going on a date with Ivan and I said yes  they where screaming a lot I told them to calm down and that it's just a date then I asked them if they can help me pick a outfit for are date then out of nowhere Ivan came and out of hand around my waist and whispered in my ear "I can't wait for are date" I blushed a little bit and told him me too the told me to be ready at 5 I told him okay it was 11am so I still had a lot of time to pick my outfit. It was 4 and I told Tessa and Erika to come to my room and help me with my outfit they came fast like so fast after awhile looking though my closet we found a perfect outfit

 It was 4 and I told Tessa and Erika to come to my room and help me with my outfit they came fast like so fast after awhile looking though my closet we found a perfect outfit

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We decided that i would put this outfit on for my date with Ivan. Ivan texted me and told me if I was ready I told him yeah he told me to go to the living room. When I got there he was already waiting for me then we told me I looked beautiful and I said thanks. It was a 15 minuet drive we went to the park when we got their he and made a picnic it was so beautiful I couldn't believe it. I hugged him and he hugged back so we went to eat then when we where done eating we went to play in the swings then we played in the big toy it was fun but I was getting pretty late so we decided to go to the house. When we got to the house he said he something important he had to tell me then he said Y/N will you be my girlfriend?? I said Yes and I stared to cry a little bit then he hugged me and I hugged back and he kissed me and I kiss him back we started making out until we where out of breath. We went back to the team ten house everyone was sleeping then he told me if he can sleep with me I told him yes so he did .We went to my room I brushed my teeth and put on my pjs when I came out Ivan was shirtless and we was already in my bed.

*its about to get inappropriate so skip of you want to*
I went to lay downs with him then we stared kissing my neck I told him to stop but he didn't then he found my weak stop I turn around to look at him then I stared to kiss him on  the lips then he went on top of me and he started to go down my neck I know he left marks I moaned his name then I felt his hand go to my butt I turned around now I was on top of him since he was shirtless I put my hands on his chest and stared to kiss him in the lips I slowly went down his neck and I cloud tell he really liked it because he was moaning a little bit then we stopped
*End ( yeah I know it was horrible)
Then we just went to sleep and his hands where around my waist and I just felt like I was the luckiest girl in the world.

Hope you like it❤️

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