28. Something Stupid

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I woke up the next day with a searing pain in my head, for some reason. I groaned and rubbed my forehead as the pain became worse every time I moved. I heavily turned to Erin but she was no longer there. I stood slowly while holding the wall, trying to balance myself as my vision began spinning. I opened the window and discovered it was already midday. It was unlikely of me to wake up this late. The room was already warm so I made my way downstairs.

Everyone was busy with their chores while I sloppily tried to look for Erin. I was completely lost in my thoughts that I ignored Jack calling for me as I passed by the gardens.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I shrugged it off and waved my hand across his face.

"Are you sick? You look pale as shuck."

I shook my head and patted his shoulder before staggering to the maze entrance. There Erin was, standing beside Winston, her arms crossed and she seemed mad.

"Erin, what's going on?" I asked as soon as they noticed me.

"It's Alby. He went in the maze with Minho to trace Ben's tracks." Winston replied as he rubbed his arm.

"Ben's tracks?"

"What are you, deaf or something?" Erin scolded, "Alby and Minho went to maze cause all the other runners quit."

"What? No," I paced back and forth, biting my lower lip, "No, they're not supposed to do that."

"What?" Winston frowned.

"Uumm... It's-" I paused, peering at the maze- "I mean uugh, it's nothing." Erin and Winston exchanged glances.

There was no way they were letting me in the maze especially that Newt was now incharge. If I told them about the forewarning, then they'd get more worried and freak out. I decided to take matters in my own hands. I had to sneak into the maze before it'll become too late.

Sneaking inside the maze without anyone noticing was hard enough. I hid behind the lookout tower and waited again for everyone to either take a break from their jobs or maybe have lunch. My arms were crossed and my right foot was constantly tapping the ground as I grew more restless while the day progressed.

Frypan finally called out for lunch and I waited until the coast was clear. I carefully strode to the doors, trying not to attract any attention. Since I was good at hiding, I easily made it to the doors without getting discovered. Not until someone grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Jack? What-"

"Are you going after them?" His voice was almost too loud and I immediately motioned a finger on my lips to shush him.

I sighed deeply. "I think they're, they're in danger."

"I know," He replied, his voice shaky, "That's why we're not allowed there cause it's dangerous. Why on earth do you think going after them is a good idea?"

"It isn't. But it's necessary."

"Necessary? Are you out of your mind?"

"Jack, please. I need...I need to do this."

"Oh god," He groaned, "Newt's not gonna like this."

"Not if you won't tell him."

"This is a really, really bad idea."

"Can you do me a favor?" I requested, "Cover up for me?" He shook his head.

"Something's gonna happen to our friends. And it's gonna be your fault cuz you didn't let me go after them."

"Maya, you're not pulling that klunk on me today."

"So don't get in my way."

He didn't have a choice so he finally agreed. "Just, please don't get stuck out there."

I smiled and patted his shoulder, glancing around if anyone was watching. When the coast was clear, I jogged into the maze.

My heart started beating faster once I wandered further into the giant labyrinth. Being by myself made me more anxious. But I had to set aside my fear in order to help Alby and Minho. I jogged faster along the long, narrow corridors, concentrating on where the two gladers could be. Their presence were faint; still far away. I tried running as fast as my weak legs could carry me. If only I wasn't such a weakling, things would have been much smoother.

Come on... Focus Maya.. You can do this...

I halted and leaned against the wall for a minute, trying to catch my breath.

While I was still at the glade, the surge felt so strong, but once I passed those doors, it just disappeared. I got on my feet again and ran even faster. I was about to give up but when I took a sharp turn to one of the junctions, I saw Alby and Minho, standing in front of a griever they thought was dead.

They were wrong.

"No! Wait-" I shouted but it was too late. As soon as Minho and Alby turned their heads, the griever suddenly sprang up and plunged its sharp tail into Alby's torso, earning a painful scream from him. I stared in horror as Alby fell on the concrete ground, groaning in pain. The griever attacked him again but Minho swung a knife, decapitating one of its legs. However, the griever still managed to escape.

I ran to help Alby but Minho grabbed me by the shirt and aggressively pinned me to the wall.

"What the shuck are you doing here?" His nostrils were flaring, his breaths ragged.

"I want...I want to help."

"We didn't ask you too!" He snapped out, "You're just being shucking pretentious and stupid."

"Great. Now, any other life-changing revelations you'd like to tell me?" I frowned and folded my arms.

"You're as intimidating as a worm."

"And you're being r-r-rude."

"Listen here, shank." He shoved me angrily. "If one of us dies here today, the blame's on you."

I was on the verge of slapping his face when Alby grunted and was slowly getting up. But Minho quickly knocked him out on the head. I stared at him blankly.

What is wrong with this bastard?

"Minho, we need to hurry."

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious." He replied snidely before carrying Alby on his back.

When I got exhausted in the maze, it was easy for Minho to carry me because of my small physique and light weight. But this time, he couldn't even jog. Alby was heavy and moving at a fast pace was impossible. I was tagging behind him, checking for any presence of a griever.

"No. Don't pass there." I quickly held his arm and guided him to another junction. There was another griever waiting for us there and the last thing we would want to happen was having two injured shanks in the maze.

It was getting late but we were still far from the doors. Minho grunted as Alby slid from his back and dropped on the floor. I tried to help this time. I swung Alby's arm on my shoulder and Minho did the same thing. We carried his heavy unconscious body. The maze was silent and the only noise was our grunting and heavy breathings.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse than now, it began to rain.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now