9. Shirtless Distraction

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It was awfully sultry at the Glade days later. After breakfast, I went to the Deadheads to cool myself down but when I decided to return to the Bloodhouse, I was caught off guard by one of the most unusual moments in my life.

The sweltering weather forced most of the boys to get rid of their clothes and made them think it was a good idea to wander around half naked. And me walking around in the middle of the glade was certainly not the best idea either.

Shirtless builders were hammering and fixing the Homestead, shirtless track-hoes in the gardens, shirtless slicers and even a shirtless Alby. Hell, wherever I looked, there were glistening, sweaty, shirtless dudes, making me feel giddy and uncomfortable on the inside.

"Maya, can you go get Winston for me?" Alby requested when he noticed me standing still infront of the Homestead, staring at Gally and the other builders working


Gally's muscular arms were surprisingly interesting to look at today. Stephen just passed by, carrying a box of tools on his shoulders and the way his biceps tensed to his every move somewhat made me-

"Maya!" Alby yelled and broke my daze, "Were you even listening to a single shuck word I just said?"

I blinked. "Huh? What? Wait, what?"

He huffed. "I said, go get Winston. I have something important to discuss with him."

I nodded my head and returned to the Bloodhouse, only to come across a shirtless George and Hank talking under a tree.

"What are you staring at?" Hank deadpanned.

"Hermana." George waved.

"Well anyway, I'll see you later, greenie." Hank patted George's shoulder before heading to the kitchen.

"You good?" George snickered, "Are you always that starry-eyed?"

I was not able to respond, still distracted by his brawny physique. I blinked my eyes several times to finally shake off uneccessary thoughts. Not even considering in answering him, I trailed off and went elsewhere.

Things were about to get worse when I accidentally bumped into a shirtless Newt standing infront of the gardens.

"Hey there," He smirked, "You look pale. Is everything alright?"

No. Everything is NOT alright. How am I supposed to think straight with all these muscles around me?

"Yeah I'm alright." I lied.

"You look a li'l shucking lost." He crossed his arms and I could not stop myself from staring at his toned arms and chest.

To add up with the internal hysteria, a shirtless Minho just suddenly happened to pass by infront. I stared as the keeper of the runners jogged past us, his sweaty chest and biceps making it too difficult for me to understand all the emotions going on inside. I fanned myself as I felt beads of sweat roll down my forehead.

Seriously, what the hell is happening?

"Alright. That's enough. You're staying with Erin at the hut for the entire day." Newt said as he held my shoulders and guided me to the medhouse.

"What? Newt, why?"

"I can't let you shucking roam around being distracted by a bunch of bloody naked shanks."

"Wait, what.... What...I uugh..."

"See? That's exactly what I meant." He grinned as he wrapped a single arm around my shoulder.

He opened the door to the medhouse and dragged me inside. Erin, Clint and Jeff were surprised to see us, thinking one of us may have been injured. And thankfully, none of them were shirtless.

"What's wrong?" Erin questioned as Newt led me to a bunk.

"Nothing. I'm fine I swear." I protested.

"Well if you want to stay here, it's alright." Erin smiled. I nodded my head before looking back at Newt, a satisfied grin on his face. I huffed and threw a towel at him.

"Seriously, what is it with you two?" Jeff interposed as he handed me a glass of water. Newt and I exchanged glances.

"Wait, I think I know why." Erin smirked right after she looked outside the window. Fortunately for her, she'd been here for a long time which explains her composure when dealing with shirtless bastards.

"I'm hungry as shuck," Clint chimed in, "I'll be back later."

"I'm with him." Jeff added and the both of them left the room.

The three of us remained at the medhouse and Erin was just biting her lips as she looked at me, keeping herself from laughing.

"I am so confused." I groaned as I laid down.

"Don't worry," She chuckled, "I've been through the same thing before. You'll get used to it." She patted my head. "I'm gonna go head to the kitchen. You two can stay here. And you know, discuss some stuff." 

"And Newt," She added, "put a freaking shirt on. You're not helping her."

I watched the door close and was left here together with a shirtless blond boy. He then sat beside me in the bunk and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Being a shucking girl in a place like this has it's bonuses, eh?"

I grunted and threw another towel at him.

He dodged it again, snickering louder. "I have to go back to work. You stay here until you feel well. Don't want yah bloody peakin' on the shanks around here."

I remained at the medhouse for another hour, laying on bed the whole time, staring at the ceilings. The med-jacks returned to the room and resumed their work while Erin was brushing and braiding my hair. I remembered Alby's errand and I quickly shot myself up the bunk. Erin yelped as I knocked over the brush from my hair.

She shrieked. "Holy sh--Maya, what the hell?"

"Sorry. I just...I just forgot to do something." I instantly dashed outside and ran towards the Bloodhouse.


Alby was now at the Bloodhouse talking with Winston. When he noticed me slowly walking towards their direction, he flashed me the most terrifying glare ever.

"Where the hell have you been? Didn't I ask you a favor? Or were you too busy idling around?" He scolded. Winston just looked at me worriedly.

"Sorry," I apologized in the saddest tone possible, "I forgot. I uugh, I got lost."

"How the hell is that even possible?"

"She's not feeling well, Alby," Newt spoke as he appeared out of nowhere, "I sent her to Erin so she could rest."

"Is that so?" Alby crossed his arms. "Well, quit rambling around and get some shucking rest, then." He said firmly before walking away.

"What the hell did you?" Winston snickered.

"You really look like a tomato." Newt chuckled as he stroked my cheek.

I leaned away from his touch. "Well it's not...it's not my fault I had to see you boys not wearing any shirt."

"You should thank me, Maya." He shamelessly pinched my cheek. "That I just saved your clumsy shuckface."

I sighed loudly and nodded my head. This day was not one of the best here in this hellhole but atleast I knew that someone was there for me.

"I hate to interrupt but," Winston joined in, "can someone tell me why the two of you are being all lovey-dovey?"

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