2. This Ain't A Dream

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"He tried to...He... I can't let that happen again!" I wheezed and continously banged the glass table with my wrists.

Everything was too blurry for my brain to comprehend. I couldn't even recognize the person I was talking to; his voice deep and petrified.

"There's gotta be another way. It's just-" He paced back and forth- "I don't think going in there is the right thing."

"I don't care!" I screamed and slammed the glass table too hard, shattering it to pieces. "W-w-we...we weren't there. Now look...now look what, what happened?"

He gripped my bleeding hands tightly and I looked up, still unable to discern the face of this mysterious boy I was arguing with. I was trying to catch my breath, chest heavy, body shaking and more uncontrolled fits of aggressive wheezing.

"I'm going in." I said firmly.

Vision still fuzzy, I could somehow recognize that the boy's hands dropped to his sides as he leaned on the wall. I tried to look at my own hands, thinking the hazy perception would stop but it did not. Yet by the darker stains from my hands, I could tell it was certainly blood.

The boy spoke again. "Please. You need to think this through. There ha-"

I clenched my fists, muffling out the rest of his voice so I could hold firmly unto my own reasons. What happened? Why was I acting so desperate? And who even was this boy I was talking to?

"Maya, please...."

"Thomas, I have to do this."

There was a small but palpable pause, sensing the tension and hesitation in his movement. Finally, he responded.

"Fine. But if things get worse, I'm going in too."

I immedietly jolted up, panting heavily.

"Whoa, whoa... Easy there."

Once I finally caught my breath, I then turned to Erin who was in the corner, patching someone up. She quickly placed the bandage down and transferred to where I was.

"Simmer down. It's just a nightmare." She rubbed my back.

Right. A nightmare. This whole ordeal was.

"Uugh, Erin? Sorry to interrupt your dramatic performance, but this shucking gauze ain't helping."

She grumbled before returning to the injured boy. His freckled-face was glistening with sweat and his eyebrows furrowed as he watched Erin continue wrapping his arm with another piece of cloth.

"Gally, your clumsy ass better not be back here or I'm ripping those brows off myself."

"Isn't that a li'l harsh for someone who's supposed to stab people to life?" The boy chuckled and turned to face me directly after Erin finished wrapping his wound. He stood up and slowly made his way to where I sat.

"We never got the chance to introduce ourselves properly, yesterday. By the way, I'm Gally." He extended his hand but I just stared at it. My hands were still tucked inside my blanket and I had no intention of bringing it out.

"She's obviously not in the mood." Erin lightly nudged him away. "And don't you have a Homestead to fix?"

"You're supposed to shake the hand out of respect. Or do you think you're too good enough for a simple gesture?" Gally sneered while withdrawing his hand.

Though I still felt woozy at the moment, trying to figure things out, but if this Gally-dude would continue to pester me any longer, I would definitely throw hands.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें