4. Hand Scars

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"Thomas? Thomas!"

My stomach was churning. I was panting loudly and no matter how hard I squinted, I could not focus on my surroundings.

"They're s-s-sending him up the maze today."

I grabbed his shirt and began shaking him awake as he sat motionless on a chair. I couldn't recognize him but I knew he was the same person from my previous dream. He flinched and stood up quickly.

"We can't just stand here and, and do nothing." I stared at his blurry face. "Come on, Thomas, do something!"

Unable to understand what he was saying due to the crescending ringing coming from nowhere, I ran away until I was standing infront of a big enclosed glass tube. A pair of strong arms started dragging me away, yet I surprisingly did not fight back. I continued staring at nothing. The only thing I fought for were my tears.

I fluttered my eyes open, a little relieved that is was just a dream. I shifted to look at Erin who was sleeping peacefully, making me wonder if she had any disturbing dreams like mine. I got up and opened the only window halfway and peeped outside. Morning was slowly approaching.

"Erin? We need you at the hut right now! And Maya, you're gonna do something today!" Someone yelled from downstairs which I recognized was Alby. Erin groaned and shifted to another side.

I knelt down beside and lightly shook her awake. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Just a few more minutes," She yawned, "Then I'll be up."

"Ladies! Don't make me throw stones up there."

Erin just smacked her lips and snuggled herself deeper into the mat. Also not wanting to leave our hut, I was about to lie back down my mat when I heard the first rock hitting the wall.

"What a shucking jerk!" Erin snarled, lazily getting up and started changing her shirt and fixing her stuff. She ran her fingers through her messy hair before grabbing a wooden brush and started brushing the ends.


"Alby!" Erin screamed, "Stop screaming!"

"I've been calling you for 10 minutes. We got a situation at the hut. Hurry up!"

"10 minutes?" She grumbled, whispering, "How the shuck did he even time that exactly? Shucking smartass."

I giggled. "Must be really important..."

"Of course it is. It's always, Erin this, Erin that, Erin-we-need-your-freaking-help all the time. They can't give me a break."

"Erin! On the count of five I'm-"

"Hey, stop yelling! How can you shanks possibly injure yourselves this early?" Erin grunted and was now starting to make her way down the room. I remained seated on the floor with my knees tucked near my chest.

'Newt's POV:

As I made my way to the kitchen, I scanned the gladers busy chomping on their food, just like any other day. It was also somewhat a way of surveying the gladers at this time of the day--checking whether who was feeling ill or just finding out who was not following the schedule. It was tough keeping the entire glade organized. This is why I had to always lend Alby a hand in regulating and keeping track of the place.

There were only two gladers I haven't seen yet--Maya and Erin. But I knew Erin was needed early since Scott fell from his hammock and dislocated his bloody shoulder. It could only mean that our latest greenie was tagging along the only other girl in the glade.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now