Chapter 4: Typical 5 Year Old

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Octavia's POV-

Five years later:
"Clarke Griffen," I call half annoyed half joking.

"Octavia." She calls back from the other room. Her tone too serious to not be kidding. She comes around the corner with a huge grin on her face.

"Where's Scarlet?" I ask my beaded ready to jump depending on how she responds.

"Outside with Mom and Oscar." She responds walking over closer and putting her arms around me, and giving me a a quick kiss.

"Ok, I have a lot of work to do so I must go..." I say concentrating on what I have to get done and not Clarke.

"O," she says, hearing 'O' still makes me think of Lincoln when he would call me that. I still think about him; I see him in the beauty of nature, I see him in a kind hearted Grounder, and I most often see him in Scar. She's so much like him in everything she does. She's going to be a firecracker that one.

I walk outside pulling my jacket on tightly around me. I can hear a horse nicker from the stables to the right along with the joyful laughter of children playing. That's where I'm headed. Scar spots me almost as soon as I spot the blur of kids running around chasing each other.

"Hi Ms. Octavia." Oscar says momentarily stopping to wave and say Hi before returning to his play.

I spot Abby leaning against a wall and go over to her.

"How are you doing today?" She asks still watching the kids.

"Doin ok." I say quietly, not knowing what to say.

"Ya sure?" She asks looking over at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tell, mostly myself.

"Ok." She trails off going back to watching the laughing children. I see the group starting to run towards a pile of sticks laying on the ground camouflaged in the grass but before I can yell a warning Scarlet takes one wrong step and twists and falls to the ground with a half roll. Painful screams follow immediately after. Abby and I run over.

"It hurts, it hurts!" She screams.

"I know it does. Shhhh." I say wiping away her tears.

"Scarlet," Abby says in her authoritative voice. Scar looks over at her," can you stop crying. That way I can help you?" Scar nods slightly, her lip quivering and tears falling silently. "Where does it hurt?" Abby asks although we both know it's her ankle that we saw her twist when she met that pole.

"It''s," scar barely makes out when Abby touches the ankle and Scar let's out a blood curdling scream.

I look at Abby, horrified at my baby in pain but knowing that she knows what she's doing. "Shhh Scar, you're ok. You're in good hands."

"Let's go back to med, so I can take a closer look and wrap her up." Abby says.

All the kids had stopped playing and were staring around seeming to be waiting. "Y'all can go back to playing, just stay away from those poles. She'll be ok."

"Pick her up and follow me," Abby says then leaning in closet," don't be surprised when she cries out when her foot hangs. It hurts but it's not as bad as it seems."

I go and gently pick her up, avoiding touching her foot. She screams out in pain but I just do my best to stay calm and sooth her as much as possible. We have to go by our house on the way to med so Abby pops her head in and a couple seconds Clarke appears jumping in line with us.

"What happened tough stuff?" Clarke asks Scarlet.

"I...I..." Scar stammers.

"She-" I begin.

"No," Clarke cuts me off," What happen Scar?" She asks again.

"I twipped on a pole because I didn't see it. It hurts weally weally bad." Scar says.

While getting looked at the ankle was really swollen and looked bruised but didn't look broken so a compression bandage and a splint was ordered for a week.

Scar didn't like not being able to run with the other kids or play football. She especially didn't like not being able to go ride with me that week. She spent a lot of that time listening and following the adults around with her limping half gate, most of the time with Raven as she was able to keep up.

But the week ended and Scarlet ran or after being cleared to play with the inter kids again. Looking at her running back to join the other kids you would have never guessed that she had hurt herself, one of ten perks of being a kid.

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