Chapter 5: Joy Ride

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And also Prime Fire didn't happen and Os not with Illian so this is just like if all the drama really didn't happen and everyone was on better terms than just kill on another.
[[Edit; I added another chapter so it's not as big of a time skip but still]]

Scarlett's POV-
Five years later.

     I race through the forest free at last. I left Mom way back on the trail, she called after me but, I know the area like he back of my hand so I kept going. Hurricane, Kane for short, is my four year old black stallion. Mom says he reminds her of Dads horse but I'll never know him or what horse she's talkinsboutHe's mine. I feed him, I exercise him, I clean out his stable. And I helped break him so he's mine. He doesn't really like anybody else which I think is hilarious. He'll bite someone that gets close to him. But he loves me, he's putty in my hands.
We turn right headed towards the Dropship. I've heard stories about how Mommy and others came down in that, from space! That's cool.
"Ha! Come on Kane." I yell into the wind giving a squeeze into Kane's sides kicking him into a fifth gear. I stay low on his back as he gallops down the dirt path. His mane whips around in my face. I can see a down tree up ahead. "Whoa Kane, we're not ready for that boy." I say trying to get him to slow.
He doesn't, he charges forward. I grab a chunk of mane tightly though I know this isn't going to end well for me. His hooves thud against the path as the log gets closer. I clench my fist tight around the chunk if mane. With a huge surge of energy Kane leaps into the air. I lose my grip and get thrown skywards. I can see the grown approaching me, no longer Kane's back under me. I hit he ground with a thud, knocking all the air out of me. I hear Kane's hoof beats getting farther away. I stare at the the trees in front of me. I take a gasping breath. Then another one. And another. I slowly regain my breath, painfully. I hear his breath before my giant stallion appears. He trots up to me wth his head lowered.
"Alright Man, time to learn to jump aye?" I say putting a hand on Kane's sweaty forehead. "Let's get home Hurricane before my moms are too worried." I take his reins and start walking down the path. Kane's breathing slowly returns back to normal as we walk. About half way home I swing back up on his back. He swings his big head around to look at me up on his back. "Alright my man, take us home." He goes on at a steady trot. I run one hand through my hair but, stop abruptly when I feel something wet. I look at my fingers, blood. I sigh and click my tongue. Kane breaks into a canter.
A couple minutes later we make it back to Arkadia. We go through the gate and I guide him back over to the stables. I slide down and take the girth and furs off. I grab his rope halter and slide it over his head. The I take off his simple bridle and hang it on a hook by his stall. The furs hang on the wooden side of the stall along with the girth. I put Hurricane in his stall his his lead attached to the front bar and head to find one of my moms.
     I find Momma Clarke by the med tent. "Momma I sort of cut myself."
     "Oh my, baby girl, how did you do that? Come on in I'll clean ya up before Mommy sees this." She takes me in the tent and washes my cut and puts some herb paste on it along with a small bandage. "There, you're good to go. Go have fun but no more injuries for today until lady. And go see your mom. She wasn't too happy when you raced off without her."
     "Alright..." I say leaving the med tent. I go back to my room and find Mommy folding my clothes and putting them away.
     "Scarlet May where have you been?"
     "I was riding Kaney."
     "Well I got that, what did you do to your head? Are you alright?"
     "I'm fine Mom. We were headed towards the Dropship and there was a down tree, Kane wanted to jump, I didn't. I lost and ended up on the ground."
     "Alright, alright. As long as your ok. Just don't take off like that. You can ride all you want but just let me know when your gonna go like that, please?"
     "Ok, I will next time."

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