Chapter 2 : The news

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Now I just published the last chapter so we'll see how that goes... I hope it goes well🙈. Now onto chapter 2 with news (oh my😱😂)...

Octavia's POV-
Two weeks later.

I run my fingers through my hair. I've barely left my room in the past two weeks. Abby comes by every day with a plate of food or a shake or something though most of the time I don't want to eat. She'll make me eat at least half and then she'll leave me be. It's obvious that I'm losing weight. My ribs are a little more prominent and you can easily see my collar bones but, that doesn't bother me. The thing that I do question is my menstrual cycle, it's late. Like over a week late. Which for me is weird, I've had the most regular cycle ever, sense starting at age 13. Ive started on every third Saturday of the month. Now it's he beginning of the month and nothing.
     Should I tell Abby? Or maybe I should just keep it to myself because I know I read two years ago back, while we were still in space and I was hiding under the floor, that malnutrition can cause your period to stop... I think to myself sitting on the edge of my bed on day 15 of avoiding people. Then the rapping knock of Abby sounds on the door.
     "Comin'," I say getting up. I trip over my own feet on the way to the door. And crash in to the door with a, thud!
     "You alright in there?" Abby says through the door.
     I wince at he pain that shoots through my ankle. "Yeah. Uhhh maybe," I croak opening the door. Abby stares at me like the way my mother did when I was a child and did something wrong, which was rare but happened.
     "What did you do?" she questions looking at me limp over to me bed.
     "Tripped on my own feet. I'll be alright," I say trying to sound as convincing as possible, "But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about today."
     "Ok, what's up?"'she sits next to me.
     "My period is late."
     "Alright, how late? Like a couple days?"
Haha nope! My thoughts laugh.
     "No, like 10. And I was wondering if it could be because I haven't had much appetite so I'm not getting much nutrition?" Giving that excuse to deflect my fear of what I really think it is.
     "Umm.. That could be it but it's not likely," she says trying to take my hand which I move away, "can I do an ultrasound back at the tent to tell for sure?" I take a deep breath and nod. "I'll be ready whenever you are," she says going to leave.
I stare at the floor. What the? Can this really be? I think I stare absently at the grey floor for ten minutes before I drag myself up and to the door. I set my forehead against the cool mental and pause for a moment. Then I open the door and step out cautiously.
     I head right for the med tent not looking at anyone outside. I sway a little as I walk but don't slow down. I can feel people look at me with eyes like lazars. I stare at the ground and go to the tent. "Abby!" I call into the tent.
     "Octavia. What are you doing here?" Clarke says appearing first. Her blond hair as wavy as ever.
     "I...uh... I'm here for an ultrasound." I tell her, deciding to be truthful. She stares at me wide eyed. Abby appears with a forced smile.
     "You ready?" She says. I nod though I really rather not. And follow her back behind the curtain. The sorry excuse for a bed is sitting parallel to a table and some machine on top which I assume is the ultrasound. "Lay down honey. I'll try and make this as quick as possible." I lay down if he cold, hard table which isn't remotely comfortable.mShe pulls up my shirt and puts some jell consistency stuff on my lower abdomen. I stare at the ceiling. I feel pressure of something cold moving all around. And then it stops and goes away. I wait impatiently in anticipation.
"You ready to hear the verdict?" Abby says wiping that gel stuff off my stomach and pulling my shirt back down.
"As ready as I'll ever be..." I say still having my stare fixing on the ceiling. I don't really want to look her in the eye right now.
"Octavia, look at me," she says forcing me to sit up and look her in the eye, "your pregnant."
"You sure you're ok?"
I nod. What you want me to have a total meltdown? That and I'm probably in shock but whatever I'll deal later. I stand up and walk back out towards the door. Clarke is close by and comes over. Her eyes asking the obvious question. I nod and a tear comes to my eye. She hugs me; warm and tight.
     "You're fine Honey." Abby's says giving me a gentle squeeze on the shoulder coming up behind me.
She always says that, 'you're fine Honey', and honestly at this point it's getting annoying. But I can't be rude so that's why I never say anything plus I don't think I have the energy to get in an argument right now. So I just ignore and move on when she says it. I talk to myself.
     "Aww, so what are your thoughts?" Clarke says turning to face me. Abby turns and walks away disappearing behind the curtain.
     "I'm worried and can't fathom this right now but I'm definitely going to keep him or her. It's what Lincoln would've wanted."
     "Good, and I'm here if you ever need someone and you don't want to talk to your doctor. I've been worried about you but too scared to go to your room to see you."
     "I just needed space. And time. I'll be alright as soon as I find my spot and routine." Clarke gives me a supportive smile.
     When I leave Clarke I go to the stables. I haven't been in so long well, over two weeks. When get to the stables I get out Versace a dark chestnut mare that I always rode before my "hibernation". She seems to remember me for she whinnies when she seems me. I saddle up with animal furs and a rope bridle like the grounders use.

I swing up and head for the nearby trail that head towards the drop ship

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I swing up and head for the nearby trail that head towards the drop ship. I take this time to think and clear my head. The rhythmic sound of horse hooves on the dirt trail are music to my ears.

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