Chapter 6: Stunned

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I know another jump but I just want to do main plot points for her character development.
Scarlett's POV-
Seven years later.
     "So Ax, what do you think?" I say starring into his dark brown eyes. I feel like he's not as open as I am but, at this point I've pored my heart out to him so there's nothing more I can do.
"Scar? You wanna know what I think?" He says staring deep into mu soul.
"Yeah." I say softly, picking nervously at the bark of the tree we're sitting on.
"This..." He leans in and kisses me.
Whoa! Don't do anything stupid. I tell myself kissing him. I puts my arms around his neck. He stands up still kissing and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his small waist. He hold me with gentle hands. I pull away. Putting my forehead against his.
    "You ok?" He breathes.
     "Yeah..." I lean back in and kiss him. He's walking somewhere but I don't stop to turn around to see. Then he stops. I turn my head and look. It's like a cabin with four walls and a dirt floor, it has a bed against one wall covered in furs.
Why did he bring me here? What is this place?
"Welcome to my home. It's quite small but, it's jut me so it works." He says with a smile plastered on his face.
     "What?" I say laughing.
     "This." He leans in and kisses me and lifts me off the ground. He lays me down on the bed kissing my neck. He puts a hand on my waist. I put up my hand stopping him. "Too soon? Sorry."
     "Yeah, not yet," I sit up giving him a kiss, "baby steps."
     He lays down next to me and I put my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around me playing with the ends of my long hair.
     "Yes scar?"
     "Where's your family?"
     "They left last winter, let's just say they didn't have the same opinion as me. So they left and I stayed. I can take care of myself, and you if you want." He says kissing my forehead.
     "What would I tell my moms? They don't even know about you, let alone us."
     "Maybe I could go for a hunt and bring over some nice deer steaks and meet them sometime?"
     "Umm sure thing. Mommy, O, will probably welcome you in with open arms but, Momma, Clarke, she'll be a little more cautious of you with me. Don't let her scare you off."
"She won't. They'll love me. You do, so that says something.
"Oh shut up, your very love able. I'm just glad I got you first." I reaching up and taking his hand away from playing with my hair.

Two months later.
I wait at the front door of our, his house waiting for him before we head back to Arkadia. He comes into view on the front path. A limp in his step. What did he do now? I run over to greet him.
"Scar, hello." He says not as excited as usual.
"What did you do Baby?"
"Ummm, I went a little too far north and got a warning shot from the neighbors that I wasn't welcome on their hunting grounds. Took a arrow to the edge of my foot. It'll be ok."
"Good thing we're going to dinner. Momma can get you cleaned up."
"No ill put wrap on it and I'll be fine."
"Whatever Mr. Independent." We go inside and he gets a wound up piece of cloth and wraps it tightly around his foot tucking the end in to keep it secure. "Let's get ready to go."
"I got the steaks," he says grabbing a wrapped up package off the wooden table. I take his hand as we walk slowly up the path towards Home. I take hime hand. We emerge in the clearing and I can see security watching from the pathways. They open the gates and I lead Ax in. I take him home.
I twist the knob and knock to see if anyone was home. "Hello?" Says Momma.
"Scarlet is that you?" Mommy replies.
"Yeah it's me. I have someone I'd like you to meet." I walk all the way in with Ax and shut the door stiff holding his hand. I give his hand a squeeze. Then in walks my moms. They see him and smile.
"Oh hello. Was not expecting this." Momma says.
"I've brought some nice deer steaks if you'd like them." Ax says nervously. I nod trying to encourage my parents to take them. Mommy does reluctantly.
"Moms, this is Ax. We...we've..." The words are not coming to me.
"What she trying to say is that we're together and she's nervous to tell you." Ax explains. I nod to confirm.
"Well then, welcome Ax to the family. Your welcome here anytime." Mommy says like I was expecting her to.
We ate a great meal the steaks were amazing and we got to chat about each other. After dinner I began to get a head ache so I went to lay down. Ax came with me though I was worried that Momma might be against him being near my bed with me. I laid down and he sat by me with his legs stretched out. Well I dozed in and out of sleep. I woke up and curled up in his lap with my blanket and his arms wrapped around me.
"Let them be, they're fine." I hear mommy whisper.
"But I don't like them being that close." Momma says.
"Leave them alone. They aren't doing anything wrong. That actually are really cute together. Out baby found love. And he's really good with her."
"Ok fine but so help me O, he gets her pregnant there's gonna be a surgery and not on her."
"Clarks stop, Scarlets a smart girl let he be."
"I know, but she's still my baby."
That night Ax and I slept in the same bed all night in my own home and my moms didn't separate us. Thanks to Mommy.

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