Chapter 3 : A New Life

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So... Don't know what to say so, continuing on... Let's begin a chapter 3... Sorry for the delay...

Octavia's POV-
Nine an a half months later.

     I wake up to the sound of a crying baby. I roll over and get up to go get my baby girl. She stops crying as soon as she sees me. "Oh we're you lonely? Was that what all the fuss was about? Me too sometime kiddo." I say lifting her out of her crib. It's 7:09 anyways time to get up. I grab the baby blanket off Lincoln's chair and go back to sit on the bed. I pull down my shirt and allow her to nurse. I cover up with the blanket so I don't feel so exposed, even though I'm the only one in our room.
     It took me a while to come up with a name for her. I didn't find out it was a girl until I had her two weeks ago but, in the end I went with Scarlet May. She has her dads eyes and nose. Her big brown eyes reflect all the peace in the world. I hear a knock at the door.
"O," Clarke calls.
"Come on in," I call. I hear the door open and shut and then Clarke appears. She's wearing a tank tops that she obviously cut from an old tee-shirt. She smiles at me when she sees me with the blanket over Scarlet. I peak under to check on my baby, her eyes are closed and she's drinking peacefully. I look back up at Clarke.
"She doin' good?"
"Good. She's decided on a sleep schedule," I say with a slight giggle," she wakes me up at like 7am every morning. And eats every four hours like a clock."
"She's smart. She be quite the handful when she's older," Clarke replies. I hadn't really thought about her when she's older. I imagine her like her dad; kind and strong, protective and brave. I smile at the thought.
Scarlet has stopped nursing so I pull up my shirt and readjust her I'm my arms. I take the blanket down and wrap Scarlet up with it. Clarke sits next to me on the bed. She puts one are around me. I lean against her, letting her warmth comfort me. Ever since Lexa died Clarke has really opened up to me. I'm not even sure if you'd think of it as a relationship. I rest my head on her shoulder. I lift Scarlet up and hold her out to Clarke.
"Hold her for me," I say giving her Scarlet, "I'm gonna take a shower." Just as I stand up Scarlet starts to fuss. "Here, I'll-"
"No, you go, I got her." Clarke says starting to rock Scarlet May back and forth soothing her cries. I grab some clothes from the dresser and go to the bathroom. I shut the door softly not worrying about locking it and go and turn the shower head on. The water bursts out. I throw my dirty clothes in a pile in the corner and step into the steamy downpour. I stand and soak for probably about ten minutes before stepping out and drying off. I put on my clean clothes and go back out into the main room.
     "She back asleep?" I say seeing Clarke still rock Scarlet May in her arms.
     "Yeah, it didn't take long before she was out," Clarke says in a low tone to whisper voice. I sit next to Clarke, much like she did earlier leaning gently against her.
     She really does look cute with a baby in her arms. I shake the thought from my head. Stop thinking like that. But it's true. No. I have an internal argument. Clarke must have noticed she looks over at me through her blond wavy hair. I give her a slight smile. And to my surprise she leans in and kisses me. My first reaction in shock and fear yet, I quickly settle in and calm down. The kiss makes me feel more whole again like that thing that was missing is getting filled a little. I pull way. She stares at me waiting for my reaction. I give her a quick peck on the lips. She smiles at me.
     And that's where our relationship officially started.

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