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*years later*

the warm breeze blew my hair back as we ran to who knows where.

"come on kenz, pick up the pace!" john said, and i could hear the excitement through his voice.

"i can't, im tired," i whined as i opened my eyes, but i just saw more darkness due to the blindfold.

before i knew it i was swept up off my feet into the arms of johnny.  i laid my head against his chest as i inhaled my favorite scent.

we walked for a little bit until finally he set my down on my feet.

"ready?" he asked lacing his hand into him.

"yes!" i squealed and i grabbed his arm that was laced into my hand with my free one, jumping up and down as the grass tickled my bare feet.

and of course john had insisted on carrying my shoes the whole time.

"okay," he started with a deep breath, "one, two, three!" he said as he took off my blindfold.

my eyes focused on the scene in a few seconds, as a gasp escaped my lips.

"johnny," i began bringing my hand up to my mouth.

tears were brimming my eyes, threatening to fall out.  he did all of this for me.

we were standing in the middle of a grassy field at the top of a hill, no one else was around.

in front of us was a white gazebo decided with fairy lights and flowers.  below the hill you could see the sun setting, lighting up the sky in thousands of beautiful colors.

"it's beautiful," i breathed breathlessly.

i could see him smirking from the corner of my eye.

"come on!" he said, excitement still booming in his voice as he pulled us over inside the gazebo.

there was a table with a bouquet of white roses, my favorite flower, and chocolate covered strawberries.

he faced me and took both of my hands in mine, with a smile as big as his face.

"mackenzie," he began.

"yeah?" i asked, my voice still shaking.

"ever since i met you, i uh, i've been in love with you.  and all i could ever think about when i was around you was how much i loved you, and how beautiful you were and still are," he added causing my cheeks to heat up.  i smiled as the fact that he still had that affect on me.

"the reason i always hated guys you liked in high school was because i was jealous," he laughed, "and i always said that i would tell you when you found a guy i approve of, well, that's where i come in."

"i can't imagine spending any day without you, and-"

"john," i spoke breathlessly, catching onto where he was going with this.  he gave me a reassuring smile in return.

"and i want to be with you for the rest of my life, so," he said as he knelt down onto one knee, "mackenzie ziegler, will you marry me?" he asked.

my stomach instantly filled up with butterflies as the tears finally escaped my eyes.

i opened my mouth and took in a slow shaky breath as i nodded my head, "yes, of course i do," i whispered.

his smile grew even bigger than it already was, if that was even possible.  he slipped the ring onto my ring finger, then sprung up to his feet, lifting me in the air.

he spun me around and he kissed my cheek, causing me to giggle uncontrollably like a child.

he placed me back down on my feet as his arms stayed wrapped around my waist.

my hand made their way up around the back of his neck as we both pulled each other close, not a inch of space was left between us.

"kiss me, my fiancé," john grinned.

"i like the sound of that," i breathed before our lips crashed into each other, moving fast and together as we stood in the middle of the lit up gazebo while the sun set around us.

and how's that for a happy ending.


the end.

thank you so much for reading and coming along on this journey with me (:

comment down below your favorite part of this whole story and if you enjoyed this chapter.

also check out my other book broken!!


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