Chapter Eight

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There was a continuous knocking on the door as i sat with blood dripping on the cold tile.

"Johnny, p-please just go," I whispered, but it was loud enough so he could hear it.

"Kenz," he pleaded.


I heard a sigh and waited for the sound of the door closing.

I took a towel and cleaned up the drops on the floor. I turned on the faucet and slowly ran my wrist under, wincing at the pain.

I took both my thumbs and ran them under my eyes, cleaning up the blackness that was forming under them.

I walked out and went upstairs and texted Brynn to come over.

I heard the door open and footsteps running up the stairs within 5 minutes. She opened the door and tackled me in a hug.

"Honey, what happened?" she asked.

"Hayden," I said.

"Come on you need to forget about that asshole! There are so many freaking guys out there don't get down on yourself!"

"What guys! All of them are ugly!"

"There's Brandon, Mark, Jacob, Carson, and Johnnnyyy," she replied.

"You know id never date Johnny. And besides Mark and Jacob are weird and i'm pretty sure Carson's talking to someone."

"Whatever, we need to go to the mall and buy hot clothes," she said grabbing my purse and pulling me out the door.

She opened to door and pushed me into her white range rover.

"Now," she began as we walked into to mall, "Im going to throw a killer party tonight so we can look hot as fuck."

Modesty was not Brynn's strong suit, but i mean with her bright blue eyes, perfectly cut blonde hair, and petite figure, anyone would be the same way.

We ended up buying two completely different dresses. Brynn bought a tight pink velvet dress that came to her mid thigh. She paired her dress with a pair of pink pumps that had a clear block heel.

I bought a black patterned dress that hugged my curves with a really deep neckline, and it came just below my butt. I paired my dress with a pair of black pumps.

Brynn texted as many people she knew about the party. We went back to her house and waited for everyone to show up.

Around 9, people wouldn't stop flooding in. Just as you thought there couldn't be anymore people, 50 more came.

Music was blasting and everyone had a cup in their hand. Brynn and I didn't even have alcohol but the kitchen counter was covered in bottles.

"Hey," a voice said breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see Brandon from english standing in front of me.




I need some of you, one person in that matter, to understand that i have a life and it doesn't revolve around writing.  One person has messaged me three times and keeps commenting "there's so much more likes now update," and "you said 15 there's 16 likes update."

And this person commented 5 times and on top of the messages me something like "yo can you update"

Like wtf! it just makes me so annoyed. im not here to tend to your needs. i update at my own time and expense, and if you're not going to appreciate it, then i won't update at all.

i understand i said 15 and it was passed that, but i haven't finished the chapter so it's going to take some time.  if you have such a problem with my updating time, i'll just block you from my stories, thanks!

20 for update

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