Chapter 2.10

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"Did you know?"

"Did you know?"

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     After Allison asked me to leave and I had my talk with Chris, I left. The same feelings I had gotten when the Alpha was in the school and had supposedly killed Derek came back. Even though, I knew that we are still dating, it still felt somewhat the same. This was one eventful evening. I opened the front door and once I reach the living room I dropped myself on the sofa. I groaned because I was so damn tired after everything that has happened today. Getting Allison ready for the party, trying to tell her about her mum, helping Derek with his betas, driving Allison to the hospital, succeeding in telling Allison about her mum, finding out Victoria died. I sighed. I felt my eyes getting heavy, but before I could close the completely and sleep my phone started buzzing. I picked up without looking at the caller ID.

     "I swear to God, this better be important," I groaned. "Trust me this is." It was Derek. "I helped you with your betas, they survived. One even found an anchor. Now please, I am in desperate need of some sleep." I was not in the mood to go out again. "Peter is alive." Those three words alerted me and I sat up. "How?" was the first thing I asked. "The last thing I remember is Lydia blowing wolfsbane in my face," Derek growled. "I also got a message from Scott saying Matt is at the station." "Can't we have a quiet night for once in-" My phone made noise indicating I got a text message. "Hold on," I told Derek and looked at the text. It was from Scott. 'My mom's coming to the station. Can you please pick her up and get here together? You know, just in case.'

     "Scott just texted me, asking if I could come to the station with his mum." It was quiet for a moment. Derek better be thinking of a plan. "I'll go first," was all Derek said before he hung up on me. "Bye then," I mumbled and made my way to my bedroom. I changed my clothes to something a bit warmer, but still loose enough so I could kick some ass if necessary. I checked my phone for any other messages before I made my way to the hospital to pick up Melissa.


     "Will you please trust me on this?" I had told Melissa why I have to go with her to the station, but all she did was sigh and tell me that I was getting delusional. "You can lecture me when it turns out Scott and I were completely wrong. Please?" Melissa shook her head and made a gesture to the car. I quickly got in and together we drove to the station. I hadn't gotten any messages from Derek and that could either be a good thing or a very bad thing. Let's hope it's the former.

     When we arrived at the station I noticed Derek's Camaro in one of the parking spots. I got out before Melissa did. "I'm here," I simply said, hoping that Scott and Derek had heard me and knowing I was here to help if necessary. What I heard and smelled from out here was anger, betrayal, fear. While I was standing outside taking in everything I could to use as an advantage I hadn't realised that Melissa was already opening the door and walking into the staion. "Melissa, no! Wait!" I called and followed her.

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