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i walked into their house. i didn't even plan on knocking seeing as there was music playing and i could hear it a block away.

"lexi!" anderson yelled.

i smiled at him and he ran up and whispered, "franny and harrison are a thing now."

i smiled and kian walked up to me.

"sup chicka." he said putting his arm around my shoulders as we walked over to the others.

i saw jc setting up a camera and i gave him a weird ass look. "the hell are you doing?" i asked

"setting up for our knj video." jc reassured

"your what?"

"oh i forgot to mention, we have a youtube account named kianandjc and we make random ass videos like this one." kian said grabbing a water from the fridge.

"so youre youtubers? like you're famous? i hang out with famous people? how did you just happen to forget to tell me that?" i laughed really confused

"well we were taking a break from out channel, but we are back now and making a video for our fans." jc said

"how many subs do you guys have?" i asked

"3 mil." kian said and walked up to me

"wait so are you all youtubers?" i looked at everyone.

yeah and yes went around the room. "damn famous much."

kian laughed, "sit down and film this with us."

i followed them to the couch and we all sat down.

"YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT THE FREAK IS UUUPPP!" kian and jc yelled into the camera.

"today we have, lex, kians knew friend," jc winked into the camera,

"wha, youre friend too dumbass." kian defended.

"and we have, harry boy, corey and little anderson."

"what is up guys?" harrison said into the camera

"today we are going to play spin the bottle, but with a knj twist." kian said. "one person spins the bottle, who ever they land on has to do a dare. so if jc spins and it lands on harrison, harrison has the dare. there are two passes and one reverse."

we all moved down to the floor into a circle.

corey, anderson, harrison, kian, jc and i all sat in a tight circle, knee to knee. fran decided that she didn't want to play, and bobby was holding the camera.

i was a little confused at first about the whole youtubers thing, but things added up now. i mean their instagram likes are near 1milliom likes and 900 comments.

"you're first." jc said giving me a empty beer bottle.

i laid it side ways on the ground and spun.

it landed on harrison and he complained about being picked first. "i got damn sharpie face." harrison said and threw the peace of paper at kian

jc got up grabbing five sharpies, 4 black one blue.

i already knew what i was going to write.

harrison fran

i wrote it across his forehead and he said, "lex what does it say?"

i laughed at him sitting back in between jc and corey.

harrison spun, landing on corey.

he shook his head grabbing a piece of paper from kians sailor hat.

"i swear this better be a damn pass." he said opening it up. "fuck!" he yelled making us laugh, "spin again, they get to slap you."

he spun again slowly making me feel antsy. i love corey but seeing him get slapped would be the best thing yet.

it landed on kian and he jumped up getting excited, "yes im so happy, SO HAPPY."

corey whined, "no re spin, re spin."

"nah bitch." kian gave him a bumb founded face.

kian started to warm up his hand in his shirt and corey was freaking out, "just do it already!"

"im warming up my damn hand!" kian said back.

corey started to talk again but before he could get any real word out kian slapped him making corey grab his face, wincing in pain.

"damn that felt good." kian said smiling.

they all sat back down in our circle, kian then spins the bottle which lands on anderson.

anderson chooses another slip from the hat.

"shoe water?" he asks.

kian started to laugh while taking his shoe off.

"no, hell no. im not drinking out of that."

** its boring, skip to end of video man **

"alright, well thats the end of the video, if you enjoyed us getting fucked up, give this video a like and we will see you on FRIDAYYYYYY WOOOO!" kian said.

jc turned the camera off and everyone other than kian went back to the kitchen.

"so tell me a little bit about this whole youtube thing." i asked kian.

he smiled at me. "well jc and i run a channel together, but we also have are own separate channels, bobby, fran, harrison, anderson and corey all have their own channels too. jc and i have certain days we film, which today was one of them. and we film fridays. all we really do is dink around and just have fun."

"so that explains how you guys have so many damn comments, likes ad followers on instagram and that explains why i get dms like, who are you? how you know kian? how you know all them?"

kian laughed, "those are the fans, they love to know everything about us and what is going on in our life."

"awe thats sweet."

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