Chapter 12: Growing Pains

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Chapter 12: Growing Pains

After Autumn's experience with Lady Galadriel and her mirror, the Lady of Light walked with her back to the campsite in the clearing. Autumn's mind was racing as she tried to understand everything that she had seen, and as she tried to understand just how she would manage to save Boromir.

Galadriel had said that the Son of Gondor was supposed to meet his death in just two days, and that didn't give Autumn very much time to devise a way to save him.

You will find a way, Other-Worlder, Galadriel whispered into her mind softly.

It seemed as if everyone was asleep as Autumn bid goodnight to the Lady of Light.

All except Frodo, that is.

He was awake beneath the shade of a Mallorn tree, and he looked curious as to why Autumn was being walked back to their campsite by the Elleth.

Frodo studied Autumn for a moment and she nodded to him to follow Lady Galadriel, who was now returning to her mirror to undoubtedly show Frodo what he was to expect in the future. With her permission, he scuttled after the Elleth and faded from view.

Autumn yawned, rubbing her eyes and using the stars to light the way to her cot which was tucked under an overhang not too far away from where Boromir slept.

He laid on his back with one arm bent and tucked under his neck. His chest slowly rose and fall rhythmically with his sleeping. His auburn hair fell into his eye as his head rolled ever so softly to the side.

Carefully, Autumn took the extra blanket from her cot and draped it over the man's shoulders. She smiled down at him whispered ever so softly, "Don't worry, I'm going to protect you."

Then she turned to her own cot and sank into the softness of the mattress, not remembering how long it had been since she had slept anywhere but on the cold, hard ground. She brought the other blanket up and around her body as she snuggled down for a good night's sleep.


No sooner had Autumn fallen asleep than was she thrust into a dream. She found herself beside a beautiful lake beneath the shade of the willow trees. It was warm, but not too warm, the perfect temperature beneath the green foliage. It was a strangely quiet forest and there was no wildlife- not even a dragonfly above the surface of the water.

Autumn looked around and spotted a young woman sitting atop a large boulder half-sunken into the lake. She had hair the color of corn silk and wore a shroud of grey. The woman seemed to be unaware of her presence.

Autumn's heart began to beat faster as she recognized the woman before her.

"Estë?" She called out softly.

The woman on the rock tended up and turned to look over her shoulder. Her grey eyes widened in shock as her mouth made an "o" of surprise. "A-A-Autumn?" The woman managed.

Autumn swallowed hard, feeling her emotions coming in strong. All her life she had wondered what she would say to her mother- how she would react- and that moment was now.

"Mom?" She whispered, tears welling in the corners of her eyes.

Estë got to her feet and stumbled forward, tears gleaming in her own eyes. "My child?" The Queen's voice was broken by emotion.

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