Chapter 14

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Not Your Average Prince Charming- An Andy Biersack Fanfiction

Chapter 14

"It makes me sad when people cut, ya know?" he said.

"I know. They're harming themselves in a way they'll never forget, and it's not the right way to get through things either," she replied as she rolled her eyes. She had heard this enough times.

"That... And it makes me feel like my music wasn't enough for them. Sorry if I sound selfish."

"I never thought of it that way. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I guess I'm not aware of the sadness in your life either. But I really do try my best write songs for every sad emotion someone may feel in their lives."

"I've noticed. And I admire you for that. You know, when I promised you that I'd no longer self harm, I found it a hard promise to make. But now I know that the blade and razor were never my true friends... It was your band and your music."

"But I must ask, why are you such a big fan of me anyway?"

"I think you know the answer to that."

"I'm just a dude who writes inspirational songs and sings in a band. There's many of those. Why is it me that you're such a big fan of?"

"Like you said, you try to write songs for every sad emotion someone may feel in their lives."

"That's what lots of artists do."

"Yes... But you do it because you care. You don't just write songs and pass them off as inspirational and life saving so you can make some sort of living. You care. You do it for the kids. Your fans. You want them to feel like they have purpose again."

"Wow. You know, that was my goal and purpose all along. But I never realized it until you had pointed it out to me today."

"I knew that about you all along. Ever since I first found out about you back when you released your first album."

"You know, I've only first met you just a couple hours ago. Yet I know that you're one of the most amazing people I'll ever meet."

"Oh... How sweet," she said while blushing.

"But, I just realized. I don't know who you are."

"I'm the girl you pulled up on stage tonight."

"No, I mean... What's your name? What's your life story? What do you look like? I want to know who you are."

Keanna was now frozen with terror. Could she really tell him who she was? He just regarded her as one of the greatest people he will ever meet. Would one of the best people he ever met be someone who is basically treated as a slave in her own home? Someone who is always made fun of and looked down upon in school?

"Hello?" Andy asked, "Why aren't you talking? Did I say something wrong?"

She still stood there. Then broke out of her trance when her alarm went off. Midnight.

"I'm sorry, I really have to go."

"What??? Why??? Please stay..."

"No, I'm sorry. I need to go now."

"But... But... I didn't even catch your name."

"I'm sorry... I have to go."

She started running away, and Andy grabbed her wrist.

"Please... I want you here," he said gazing into her eyes like a sad puppy.

She jerked her wrist away, "Bye."

Not Your Average Prince Charming-An Andy Biersack Fanfiction/A Cinderella StoryWhere stories live. Discover now