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Hello readers of Not Your Average Prince Charming :) long time no see.

Listen, I really need a favour. I have started a new story called (Not) Your Typical High School Story. I have such high hope for this story and I believe that if everybody gives it a chance, they will love the story as well.

Unfortunately, wattpad has not been working properly with its updates (damn you wattpad -.-) and I am having such a hard time promoting this story since I can't add tags, and also because it is my first story that has nothing to do with a band, not a Fanfiction and not a story with band references. It is a totally different story than the others I've done, since they are for a general audience. With fanfictions, it's easy to promote because you know people in your own fandom who would love to read the story and people like reading fanfictions. But my new story it's more general and it's really hard for me.

I am asking that every single person reading this goes and reads my story. You don't have to like it, but I am just asking that you at least try to read it. If you don't like it, it's fine. If you do, please vote and comment and possibly promote?

Description for the story:

Katie Edwards has had enough of all these high school-based chick flicks. We all know how they go, "... Average girl goes to new school, bumps into hot guy, turns out to be mean girls ex. Mean girl starts to taunt you for talking to her ex. You prove you're better than her. You're popular and go to prom with the boy, they kiss, and the end." They are all the same with only minor differences. And guess what the most similar thing about all of them are? They never come true... Or do they?


Hope you'll read and enjoy :)

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