Chapter 12-Part 2

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Angus was looking around like a lost baby bunny, trying to find his mother. Although this mother he was tryna find was the boy he was in love with... Which made it very awkward.

There was too many people around, and too little Jack's to look for. There were too many flashing lights, but the light he needed to look for was so distant and out of reach. There was loud music blasting everywhere. But the music of his voice wasn't loud enough for him to hear.

Angus ended up walking all around the floor, of course, encountering many hot guys which grabbed his attention. But none of them were the hot guy he really needed.

"Why hey there," said a girl behind him in a flirty way.

Angus turned around shocked. Girls never gave him attention. Not because he was gay... But he wasn't exactly the most attractive.

"Hello," he said shyly.

She was basically in nothing but a bra and short shorts.

"You're pretty cute," she said, using her razor-sharp manicured nails to caress his arms.

This was awkward.

"Hey," he said, kindly trying to push away from her, "You seem really nice, but you're not exactly my type. Maybe you could find somebody else."

"Aww, but baby..." she said drunkily, grasping his wrist before he could get away too far.

Her breath wreaked of alcohol. She was obviously drunk. Obviously, she picked Angus to be her fuck buddy, of all the people at the concert.

She grabbed his arm and dragged him toward the washroom.

'I'm in a deep load of shit,' he thought.


"You come with any other friends?" Anne asked.

"Yea, dude named Angus. But he seems to have magically disappeared as well. Ugh, I just wish I could find Keanna."

"Well... Have you ever thought to think she might be the person that Andy can't take his eyes off?"

"Huh? What?"

"Look at him," Anne said, one hand on his shoulder and the other pointing to Andy on stage," Look. He won't stop staring down at the front row. He hasn't moved from that same exact spot on stage his entire performance. He can't stop staring at her... I'm assuming it's her anyway."

"Ohhh... Wow. I thought he was an egotistic terrible performer who couldn't stop staring at his own dick."

Anne laughed at him. She seemed really into him. Which was great of course, cuz Jack was really into her as well.

"C'mon, let's go," she said, grabbing his hand.

Electrifying sparks flew about.


"KEANNA! KEANNA!!!," she heard someone calling from the distance.

She looked around, taking her eyes off Andy for the first time in the night. There he was, her good friend Jack... With a girl. Keanna was now smiling, happy she could finally give one of her friends relationship advice... About a girl. She could go on and on about relationship advice for Angus and his man crush, but no... This was a girl. An actual girl.


"WHAT!!!" Keanna shouted, mocking his loud shout, forgetting she was in the front row where all the BVB members could see her embarrass herself.

"We need to talk."

"What is it?"

"Not right here."

"Really Jack? Right now? Can't it wait? I am living the dream right now."

"It's important. Please?"

"Ugh, fine."

He dragged her and Anne along through the crowd, leaving Andy standing there singing to a crowd without her, feeling as if a part of him was missing.

They went into the hallway where the bathrooms were.

"What do you need to tell me Jack?"

"Anne here... She went on twitter and instagram and whatever the fuck other social networks you use to fangirl over Black Veil Brides--"


"Yea, okay. Anyway, pictures of you and Andy are trending all over the Internet. Almost everybody in the frikken BVB fandom or whatever it's called--"

"BVB Army."

"Yea, whatever. Anyway, people are gonna wanna pretend it's them and say it was them with Andy."

"Of all those girls, why would anyone believe any one of them to be that girl on stage? They obviously don't look like me."

"Yea, but you're basically in disguise. How's anyone gonna even know it was YOU?"

"Oh... Yea..."

"You need to tell him who you are by the end of the night."


"Because, you love Andy, don't you?"


"And I can tell he really likes you."

Keanna smiled, "Really?"

"Uhm... Yea!!! Have you ever sen him bring a girl on stage like that and sing to her before???"

"Well... No..." Keanna said, blushing.

"Exactly. Don't lose your chance with him. If you don't tell him who you are, he will either go the rest of his life wondering who this girl at the concert was, or someone will pretend to be you and he might actually believe them."

"So... I have to tell him who I am?"


"Oh... Okay..."

"Great! Now go... Enjoy a concert!!! We command you!!!"

They walked away to leave Keanna alone to walk back to the famous Andy Biersack. But she couldn't tell him. Would Andy still like her if he knew who she really was?

Not Your Average Prince Charming-An Andy Biersack Fanfiction/A Cinderella StoryWhere stories live. Discover now