Chapter 6

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Not Your Average Prince Charming- An Andy Biersack Fanfiction

Chapter 6

Andy lay his head on his bed. But he couldn't sleep, no matter how tired he was. He wasn't too tired or lazy about doing the tour, he loved meeting his fans. He was scared, afraid... He was afraid of meeting someone and falling in love.

Juliette had broke up with him just when he had gotten back from the last tour a month ago. She felt like they weren't as close anymore, due to how much Andy was touring and away doing shows. It wasn't his fault, he wished she understood. But there was no talking her out of leaving him, it is what it is. Even though it wasn't his fault that they broke up, he still loved her and couldn't get over her. Weeks past after that and he had gotten over her just last week. How could he bare to meet another girl and fall in love again? He couldn't. He wouldn't.

But he was afraid he may not be able to keep the oath he just made to himself.


"Omigosh omigosh omigosh guys!!!" shouted Keanna excitedly running up to her friends the next day at school.

"Oh dear," said Angus turning around, "Someone's happy."


"Geez moleez, why are you do hyped up???" asked Jack.




"... Who?"


"Ohhhhh... Those weird creepy lookin dudes..." said Angus.

"THEY ARE NOT WEIRD OR CREEPY LOOKING!!!" she shouted, putting her hands on his shoulders and trying to shake some sense into him.

"HEY!!! You made my fedora fall to the ground!!!"

"HEY!!! You insulted my favourite band!!!"

"Calm down you two," said Jack in between them, "No need to fight."

"But she started it!!!" said Angus pointing to Keanna.

"Nuh uh!" she said back.

"Uh huh!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh!"

"Uh huh!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh!"

"GOSH!!!" shouted Jack, "You guys are so childish!!!"

"Nuh uh!" said Keanna.

"Ohhhh don't you start!!!"

"Aww, we're sorry Jack," said Angus feeling sad and feeling like he had disappointed him.

"It's alright Angus," said Jack, "Let's just move on. So Keanna, why don't you tell us more about how excited you are about this concert?"

Jack was a great friend. He always calmed down the arguments, was very forgiving, and always cared about what people had to say, no matter what the topic was about. He believed that everyone had a say in every situation.

"Okay, well... They're doing their very first Canadian Tour. Something I've been waiting for my whole life. And... It finally happened. Their coming. And I couldn't be happier. But there's one problem..."

"What is it?"

"How am I supposed to convince Marissa to let me go and buy tickets for me??? This band is the whole reason she thinks I'm some suicidal freak."

"Gosh... That's hard..."

"Would you guys believe me when I say that this band has saved my life?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... Marissa thinks this band is what makes me a suicidal freak, as I said before. But little does she know that I have tried to commit suicide multiple times, but it was them that was the reason I didn't."

"Wow... They must mean a lot to you. But you know Keanna, they didn't exactly save your life," said Jack.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... They may have impacted your decision, but it was you that chose to not do it, not to end your life."


"Don't worry Keanna," said Angus putting his arm on her shoulder and patting it, "We will do all we can to get you those tickets."

She smiled. Once again, she had the best friends in the universe.

"Another thing guys..." she said.

"Yea?" asked Jack.

"Would you call me crazy for saying I'm in love with one of the band members?"

"Like 'fangirl' in love, 'crush' in love... Or 'in love' in love?"

"'In love' in love..."

"Are... Are you sure???"

"I'm pretty sure I know the difference Jack. 'Fangirl' in love is saying AGGHH ANDY BIERSACK IS MY FUTURE HUSBAND I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH AGH FUCK ME ANDY!!!"

People who walked by heard her say that.

"WALK ALONG PEOPLE!!!" shouted Angus raising his hand to swat them away.

"Hah, bet he makes her wet," said one girl.

Keanna got all upset again.

"Continue Keanna."

"Well... 'Crush' in love is just liking him, liking what he looks like or who he is, but seeing a better looking or better band member and suddenly falling for them as well."

"Sounds about right..."

But love... I've fallen for this guy for 5 years now, since the beginning. I've never thought of or fell for anyone else... But him. Every second, every minute, every hour of everyday... It's him. It's all him."

Not Your Average Prince Charming-An Andy Biersack Fanfiction/A Cinderella StoryWhere stories live. Discover now