Bill Denbrough x Reader {Part One}

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The storm outside made your stomach hurt. Usually, you'd be out in the backyard, reading a book or kicking a soccer ball around. But today, the rain decided that you didn't need a backyard chill day.

You sighed and stared blankly out the window, watching the raindrops race down the glass.

You could hear your aunt calling you from the kitchen. So you lazily pulled yourself up off of the couch and trudged into the kitchen.

"What?" You said, leaning against the door frame.

"Would you be a dear and take Twinkles outside?" She asked with the most fake smile you had ever seen plastered on her face.

You looked down at the cat that sat next to her feet. His tail swayed back and forth, those eyes stared deep into your soul.

You shuddered and nodded, walking toward the porch door.

Your aunt was not only a bitter lady, but she was weird as hell.

She was too lazy to get a litter box for her cat, so you had to take him outside to use the bathroom.

You pushed open the door, the cat trailing behind you. It clawed at the heel of your left slipper.

You weren't exactly sure why the cat hated you. Maybe it was because you named him Twinkles.

You stood by the edge of the porch, staring out at the rain. You pulled the screen flap thing up so you could get a better view.

And that's when you noticed Twinkles staring at something. Out on the road.

You followed the cat's gaze to see a child, on his knees, looking into the storm drain.

"The hell..." You whispered under your breath.

It got even MORE creepy when you realized...

He was talking to someone.

"Yo! Kid!" You called, waving your hands, trying to get his attention.

He glanced up at you, he looked to be around 6 or 7.

"Hello." He said before going back to speaking with the gutter.

Hell no.

You jumped over the railing, hugging your bare arms to your chest as you walked across the lawn.

The rain beat down at you and the wind caused your hair to thrash around uncontrollably. But you pressed on, heading straight for the boy.

He was about to reach into the drain, but you snatched his wrist away and pulled him up onto the sidewalk.

"What are you doing?" You yelled over the loudness of the storm.

"I was trying to get my boat!" He said angrily, his bottom lip pouting out. "Billy's gonna kill me!" He shook his head and looked down.

"Your boat's gone little man, I doubt that Billy's going to be that mad at you. Where do you live?" You asked him, hugging your arms against the cold weather yet again.

He pointed in the direction of his house and you nodded, beginning to walk him home.

You wished you were more prepared. You had just left the house in your PJs and the rain was soaking your hair.

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