Jack Dylan Grazer x Reader

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You sat on top of a ramp in the center of the skate park, staring down at your phone. The sun had just set, leaving you with a dark, navy blue sky and cool breezes.

You zipped up your jacket, which actually wasn't your jacket. It belonged to your best friend, Jack Dylan Grazer. You had gone to the skate park earlier that day and you both had it all to yourselves.

"Y/N, watch this!" Jack yelled. You ignored him and continued to read all of the hate comments you had gotten on Instagram.

"Did you see that?!" Jack screamed again.

"Yea, totally," you lied, continuing to scroll through the comment section.

"Wait! This one's cooler!" You could hear his skateboard's wheels scrapping against the concrete ramps.

"Yea, way cooler..." You mumbled, keeping your eyes locked on your screen.

At this point, he had noticed you weren't really paying attention.

"Are you ready?" He asked, positioning his board on the ramp behind you.

"Uh-huh..." You said, tapping you fingers on your phone.

He shrugged and pushed off the cement, heading straight towards you.

"Whoo!" He cried out as he flipped his board over your head and landed perfectly.

"Dude!" You screeched, throwing your phone down against the pavement accidentally.

"I got it," Jack said guiltily as he went to grab your phone.

"Wait-" You started, but didn't get to finish.

"No, I got it, it was my fault," he picked up your phone and wiped the screen on his t-shirt.

You bit your lip nervously. Please don't read the comments, please don't read the comments, please don't read the comments! You begged in your head.

He took a glance at your screen and held it up to you. "No scratches or cracks! We got lucky this time," he smiled and started to read what you were looking at.

The world seemed to stand still as he read. You looked down, angry at yourself for dragging him into this.

"Y/N..." He looked up sympathetically.

You kept your face low, tears building up in your eyes.

"It's nothing, Jack... Just a bunch of strangers on social media," you mumbled.

He didn't say anything, he just dropped his board and made his way up to sit next to you.

"It's not nothing... Your crying," he whispered, gulping down his own tears.

You didn't say anything, you just kept letting the tears fall down.

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him. "It's only because they're jealous... They're mad that they can't be my friend, so they take it out on you..." He sniffed.

You continued to stay silent. You weren't even sure what to say.

"Here... Get up," he said quietly while getting to his feet. When you didn't respond, he took your hands and pulled you up.

You finally looked at him, your soft, E/C eyes meeting his deep brown ones. "You're going to ride a skateboard."

You shook your head violently. You knew he was just trying to get your mind off of things, but the last time you rode his skateboard, you sprained your ankle.

"Come on, I'll be right here to help you..." He said, giving you a bit more confidence.

The next hour and a half consisted of him teaching you to ride and lots of posts on Instagram and Snapchat.

He held both of your hands as you hopped off the board and onto the middle ramp, where you originally started.

"That's was fun," you admitted as he released one of your hands. He still kept hold of one of them.

You smiled at him and he smiled back, nodding in agreement. You sat down and talked for a little bit about the comments and stuff.

And then you both ended up laying down next to each other and stargazing.

He gave your hand a tight squeeze every time you went silent, just to make sure you were okay.

You squeezed his hand in return to assure him that you were fine.

Eventually you were both turned on your sides, looking into each other's eyes.

"Beautiful..." He whispered, his hot breath pressed against your face.

"What?" You asked quietly, beginning to play with his messy curls.

"You're beautiful..." He repeated, now turning his attention to your lips.

Your heart skipped a beat. You did stuff like this all of the time, where you just sat there and played with each other's hair, or laid down and stared at the sky.

But he has never called you beautiful.

You gulped and watched as he leaned his face closer to yours. You knew what was coming, but you couldn't react for some reason.

Your breath was suddenly cut short, his lips were gently pressed to yours. You could feel your eyes slowly close as you melted into his light kiss.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled your body closer to his. You placed your hands on his cheeks and slightly deepened the kiss.

You eventually had to pull away for air. He pressed one more light kiss against your lips and then a small peck on the tip of your nose.

"Wonder what would happen if you posted that on Instagram..." Jack breathed, a smirk coming across his face.

"Let's not find out..." You responded, intertwining your fingers with his.


A/N: If you guys would like me to do one of these on a cast member let me know I would be happy to do that for you! Okay that's all! Until next time! Bye Divas!

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