Stanley Uris x Reader

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Requested by: @rose_in_ashes

"And that's why I think it's a terrible idea to go into that house." Stanley had just given you an entire list of reasons why he didn't want to go into the old Neibolt house.

"Oh come on, how bad can it possibly be? It's just an abandoned house." You were always trying to look on the bright side of things. Though you will admit, that house does give you the creeps.

The Losers, along with you, were walking down the road, heading straight for the house. "I see it!" You say as you start walking a bit faster.

Stanley looks at you as if you had just killed a person right in front of him."You're excited?!" He exclaims, his voice cracking mid-sentence.

You giggle a little before clearing your throat, "I'm excited to get all of this clown business done and over with." You explain as the group stops in front of the house.

Stanley's hand visibly shakes in fear. Your eyebrows furrow together in worry. Stanley nervously glances at you and your face softens. You slowly move your hand until it brushes against his. He jumps in alarm before looking down at your hand and slowly breathing out in relief.

Once he looks away, you intertwine your fingers with his. He doesn't flinch. He doesn't jump or let out one of his adorably girly screams. He doesn't even look down at your hands or say anything. He simply gives your hand a tight squeeze before walking up the steps of the house with you at his side.

The house is really... Something. The wallpaper is peeling off. Multiple plants are growing in through the broken windows and the air is stale and dusty.

"Home sweet home..." You mumble, earning a smile and a small laugh from Stan.

"We-we should go upstairs," Bill suggests. You nod and take step forward, only to be pulled back toward Stan.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You asked as Stanley's grip tightens.

"Let's just... Stay here, alright?" He says quietly, refusing to make eye contact with you.

"We'll be okay... We are going to make it out of here alive and with no more worrying about... IT," you assure him, giving him a small smile.

"I'm not worried about that-that thing..." He admits, causing you to raise your eyebrows. "I just-" Stan gets cut off by an eerie laughter coming from down a flight of rickety looking stairs.

You hum in question, curiosity filling your veins and pulling you closer to the basement.

As you slip out of Stanley's grasp you can faintly hear his voice calling out to you.

But you can't turn around and respond. Your wonder has already taken over your thoughts and gained complete control over your body.

"Y/N..." Another distant voice, other than Stanley's, calls out to you. It's coming from down the staircase.

You follow the noise, maybe it's a missing child... Maybe they need your help.

But it's not a child. They don't need help. Now... You need help.

There it is. Standing right in front of you. Peeking out of the old well. Grinning at you evilly with yellow, chipped teeth. Threatening you with its horrifying red-orange eyes.

"Stan..." You manage to choke out. Fear takes over you. You can't move. You're frozen in place.

And you're standing in front of a killer clown.

"Hiya, Y/N," IT says before leaping at you.

You scream and your eyes snap shut. Your fists clench at your sides as you wait for the clown to pounce on you and rip your body apart.

But nothing happens.

You open one eye and come face to face with Stan. You're laying on the ground next to him, your lips inches away from his.

You almost lean forward, but Stanley jumps to his feet and pulls you up with him.

It all goes by so fast. You're standing. Then you're running up the staircase. Then you're dashing through the house and out the door. Then you're panting outside, staring up at the door with pure fear eating at you.

It takes you a while to comprehend what had just happened, but once you do, you throw your arms around Stan in a tight hug.

He's surprised at first, but soon returns your embrace.

"Don't let me go." You say quietly into his ear.

And he doesn't.


Later on, you're sitting on Stanley's bed, looking up at the ceiling.

He walks in with a bandaid and smiles at you awkwardly.

You return the grin and watch as he makes his way over to you.

You sit up as he takes you gently by the wrist and study his hand as he places the bandage over your scraped palm.

"Thank you." You whisper, lifting your eyes to look at your hero.

"Of course. No cut should go untreated." He says, not taking his eyes off of your hand.

"No," you tell him, "I mean thank you. For saving my life."

He finishes and finally meets your eyes, staring deeply into them, "I'd go to the ends of the world for you, Y/N. You know that?"

After he says this, his eyes flicker down to your lips.

Butterflies beat their fragile wings inside your stomach. You tug at your bottom lip with your teeth as he slowly leans in.

His eyes shut and suddenly his mouth is against yours. The kiss sends electric sparks throughout your body. Your arms are already around him, pulling his body closer to you.

He's practically on top of you when he breaks away. He's panting, his lips trembling in excitement.

"So earlier, you were saying something about not worrying about the clown." You say, unable to keep the smile off your face.

He shrugs. "Yeah. So?" He leans forward again, but you press your finger to his lips.

"So... What were you worried about?" You ask, your eyes fluttering open.

His eyes lock onto your's. "Bill is always trying to spend more time with you..." He mutters.

You tilt your head to the side in question.

"And... And I want to spend time with you... Because... Because I... I-I love you..." he says hesitantly.

"Aw... Stanley," you say in a voice sweet like sugar. "I love you too."

He kisses you again, more slowly this time. His lips move against yours. He holds your hips as if he's nervous that when he lets go, you'll disappear.

But you never will.

And neither will he.

A/N: I'm back bitches!!! I love you. I love you. I love you! Over 6k reads?!?!?! Gahhhhh! Why do teenage girls always hang out in odd numbered groups? Because they can't even! I can't even! Requests are still open until I can't handle it, so feel free to request something. And if you have questions... Ask! I love you all. Until next time! Bye Divas!

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