stars and memories

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"What if we rewrite the stars?"

Darling, we can never
rewrite the stars.
We can never change
where they belong.

And even if we do,
even if we try,
even if we steal them
away from the
night sky,

they will always come back because they know
that no one,
even you and me,
can take them away.

Love, no one can
rewrite the stars;
They are destined to
stay and never leave,
even if their colors start
to fade and turn to grey,
even if they come crashing straight to the ground.

They will always come back;
We can't change
what's already written.

Like memories in our brain;
we can try to erase them,
we can forget,
but eventually they'll come back,
because even though
you forget those memories there's always that one thing
that stops you from forgetting;

and that one thing will always make you remember.


we can't erase what's written,
but remember, we can always write new ones. Like memories.




Words Left UnsaidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon