broken vows

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I vowed that I will love you,
for better or for worst.
That whatever happens,
You'll always be my first.
My first option,
my first priority,
my first and last call,
That I promised to be there for you,
through your rise and your fall.

But honey, why?
why did you hurt me?
Wasn't I good enough,
Or did you find someone better than me?
Did I do something wrong that made you leave me?

I think about you every single day.
But then was I just a character
in your dirty little play?
After all I was just a promise to keep.
and then I remembered that promises are meant to be broken.
Guess I've been asleep all the time,
Because now I know,
Now I'm awoken.

Words Left UnsaidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon