Iwan Rheon

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Pairing- Iwan The on x Reader
Warning(s) - None

“Baby you look so gorgeous.”, Iwan cooed in your ears, for the fiftieth time that evening alone and yet you felt the hair in the nape of your neck and along the arms and your spine stand on its end.

       You smiled, thinking how easily Iwan had that effect on you despite being married to the man for more than one year now. Before that you two had been together for almost five years. Yet each time he looked at you or called your name or kissed you or touched you, you felt that amazing fiery sensation course through your veins like the first time you ever got together.

“So beautiful.”, he murmured, pressing a small chaste kiss just below your ear, while his hand, that was gently wrapped around your waist, caressed your swollen belly.

“Well you look mighty fit too Mr Rheon.”, you whispered as you turned to face him. You look up at his handsome face and brush his cheeks slightly before standing on your toes to press your lips against his.

       Iwan reciprocates fervently, nibbling on your bottom lip while his strong arm held you close to him, protectively. He only broke the kiss when he sensed the limo arrive and led you to it gently.

       As Iwan stood on the curb holding the door to the limo, you slide inside extravagant car, with its leather upholstery and all, with as much grace as a seven and half month pregnant woman could muster.

“Are you comfortable love?”, Iwan asked as soon as he settled himself next to you.

       You looked at him and smiled at his genuine concern and loop your arm with his before placing your head on his shoulder and murmuring a “yes”. Iwan presses a kiss on top of your head and gently squeezed your hand with his.

       The limo drove you both across the city, bringing you closer and closer to your destination. Being a weekday, the streets were already bound to be with less pedestrians and traffic but owing to the slight drizzle, the streets of London seemed totally deserted, with only a few exception. It was the sort of drizzle that made it hard to decide whether or not to open an umbrella.

       Usually such rains annoyed you but not tonight. You lean back in the seat and close our eyes, revelling in the feeling of your husband’s warmth and the feeling of his hand, which was busy gently stroking the bump.

       Ever since the news of pregnancy, Iwan had been one worried husband, of course in a sweet and positive way. He fussed about every small thing that was about you or the baby and while this would have left anyone annoyed, you found it extremely adorable. Despite all the morning sickness and other discomfort, you enjoyed your pregnancy, basking in the excess attention, care and love that Iwan was showering you with.

       Of course your over concerned husband hadn’t wanted to drag you all the way to the other end of the city to attend BAFTA’s but this was something he couldn’t stop you from. You weren’t going to miss it for the world especially when Iwan was nominated in the best actor category. The news had left Iwan baffled but you had already expected it. In fact if he hadn’t received nomination, then you would have been legitimately baffled. Finally the industry was recognising and appreciating his talent and hard work and you couldn’t be more proud of your man.

       So when Iwan expressed his worries about you attending the event in such a state, as endearing as his concern was, you refused to stay at home and miss out on being next to him on what was the most important night of his life.

       Even from a distance you could see the buzzing crowd, gathered outside the venue and felt the rushing excitement within you. You grabbed hold of Iwan’s hand tightly before looking into his nervous eyes and said, “I am so happy for you darling and I am so proud of you. No matter what happens tonight, weather you win or not doesn’t matter because in my eyes you are the best and this is the critic in me speaking. Not your wife.”, you smile. Iwan squeezed your hand gently before grinning.

       As the limo came to a halt he leans forward to press a kiss but as his lips nears you gasp in surprise. Seeing your wide eyes Iwan pulls back a little and gazes at you with concern and question. Your eyes flick down to your bump for a second and then back at him before a grin spreads on your face.

“She agrees too.”, you whispered.

       Your words confuses him even more before somewhere in the back of his head it clicked and soon the worry disappears replaced with a boyish goofy grin, which you had come to love a lot.

“Does she now?”, he murmurs looking down at the bump and stroking it gently. When he looked back up again you see the moisture in his eyes and pull him in for a kiss.

       He keeps his arm encircled around your waist and your body pressed against his, as he guides you through the red carpet amidst cheering fans, flashing bulbs, and an over- zealous swarm of paparazzi and various entertainment reporters and television hosts.

       First you two stop for Iwan to sign and pose for the several fans (who were mostly ecstatically referring at your husband as Lord Bolton) gathered to get a glimpse of their favourite actors. While he interacted with them you stepped aside and admired him from the side lines. The moment you two began moving you found yourself in his arms again and pressed against him.

       A little further there was a huge crowd of photographers to which the event manager and Iwan’s manager led you two. You wobbled along with Iwan to the area and posed along with him. As the bulbs began to flash non- stop you smiled and looked up at him proudly and then back at the photographers, completely aware of his hand constantly rubbing your bump. Every now and then he would lean down and place a kiss on your cheeks and whispered sweet nothings in your ears making you blush.

       Even while giving interview he didn’t bother to leave you and insisted on having you by his side. Normally you would shy away from public display of affections but not tonight. Tonight you were extremely proud of the man you had the privilege to call your husband and felt extremely loved and in love with him and couldn’t ask for more.

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