Henry Cavill

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Pairing- Henry Cavill x Reader
Warnings- None

       You admire yourself in the full length mirror with a proud glint in your eyes. This was the first time you were going to step out in the eye of the public since welcoming your first child together with your husband, Henry Cavill. Although you were never fixated on a type of body image or never cared for what people thought, you were happy that you had managed to lose the baby fat that had piled up when you were pregnant.

       You smile and wink at your reflection before smoothening your long silky gown. You check your reflection once again before exiting the walk- in- wardrobe.

“You look handsome.”, you remark, as you see Henry standing in the middle of the bedroom, struggling with his tie.

“Thank you. Can you--”, his words falter when you come to stand before him. As you wrap the tie around his neck you are aware of his eyes roving over you, taking you in from head to toe and feel your cheeks grow a little warm. “You look gorgeous.”, he breaths the words, making you blush intensely.

       Two years of dating, one year of engagement, another year of marriage and a baby later he still manages to make you blush. You simply couldn’t get over the fact that this beautiful human was all yours and you were his.

“You are just being kind.”, you say silently, but Henry knew you were only teasing.

“Shoot! You caught me.”, he smirks down at you mischievously. You tug at his tie mildly and grin at him. He bends down to catch your lips with his and kisses you. “I don’t feel like going to the premiere at all.”, he says against your lips. You sigh before sitting down on the edge of the bed, waiting for Henry to finish getting ready. Henry was worse than teenage girls when it came to getting ready and almost always you end up getting ready before him.

“It’s your movie Henry. So your presence is essential.”, you say, a little distractedly, which Henry picks up on. They were holding a very private special screening of Justice League and as much as you didn’t want Henry to miss it, the truth was, that you were extremely worried about leaving your baby girl, Y/D/N. This would be the first time you were going to leave your three month old daughter since her birth and it left you both anxious and worried.

“She’s going to be ok. I have asked Samantha to call if there is absolutely anything. And your mom is also going to be here. Believe me our Y/D/N is in perfect hands.”, he tries to pacify you but today it wasn’t working. Henry’s assurance brought you no peace and in fact even your mother’s presence didn’t bring you any peace. Your mother is the best person to take care of your daughter but still your heightened sense of protectiveness for your daughter wouldn’t allow you to rest in peace.

“We can chose to not go, you know. It’s fine.”, you hear Henry speak and realise you have been too lost in your thought to respond to him. You look up and find his face scrunched up in worry.

“No. No babe. It won’t look good that you don’t go to your own premiere.”, you reply. Henry smiles gently but he realises that there was nothing he could say to calm you. If you weren’t his PR manager he wouldn’t have even insisted on you coming with him tonight.

       That is how you had come across each other in the first place. With his soaring success in the industry it soon became vital for him to hire a PR manager and after going through several prospects he had chosen you.

       The moment you had first met him at your office you had been attracted to him but you strove hard to keep the relation as professional as possible. As time went by, thou, Henry made it very difficult to keep the relation between the two of you purely work related and after a crazy night of drinking and partying you had somehow ended in his bed and the very next day everything had changed. But it was a good change. You both realised that you both weren’t meant to be just friends.

       Now even as you both went from becoming friends to married to couple he didn’t want to give up on becoming his PR manager and truthfully you didn’t want to change that either. After all it was this job that had brought you two in each other’s life.

“The studio is sending a limo. It should be here any moment.”, you inform him. Picking up your clutch from your bed and phone from the night stand, you begin to move out the door, closely following your husband.

       Both of you make a bee- line to your daughter’s room where she was asleep. You both find your mother sleeping on the reading chair next to the crib. The sight almost brought tears to your eyes and you lift your hand that held your phone and silently took a picture. It was sure to make its way in the little album that you were making to keep every single precious memory.

“She looks so adorable while she sleeps. Just like me.”, Henry whispers, standing next to the crib. You come to stand next to him and roll your eyes.

“She looks like me.”, you whisper back, using your pointer finger to slightly graze against her plump cheek.

“No... She’s daddy’s little girl. Aren’t you poppet?”, he whispers, smiling down proudly at his little one.

       A wave of emotion takes over you and you take a step back and take another picture- a picture of a father admiring his little girl with pride. Henry loved Y/D/N with everything in him. Whenever he was around he barely put her down and when he wasn’t around he would call you every other hour to ask how you both were doing. You grinned to yourself knowing that Y/D/N had Henry wrapped around her tiny finger little already.

       At that moment you realise that your daughter was safe. You realise that even though he never showed you, he was just as much anxious as you were and that he would have made sure of everything for tonight. As you stood there, silently watching the father daughter pair, you suddenly realise that you were beginning to feel comparatively a little lighter, with some of the worry dissipating into the warm air around you, knowing that with Henry around you didn’t need to worry about your daughter so much.

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