Sebastian Stan

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Pairing- Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warning(s) - None

“Where to Miss?”

       You whack your best friend’s arm as he asks you in the best imitation of a cabbie. Y/F/N glares at you mockingly before his lips break out in a wide grin. Shifting the gear he pulls the car on to the highway teeming with evening traffic.

“Thanks thou for coming to pick me up on such a short notice.”, you say.

“No problem at all. By the way, not that it’s any of my business, why didn’t you call your hot shot boyfriend?”, he asks.

“I did call him but for some reason Stan has his phone turned off or something. It kept going straight to voice mail.”, you reply, glancing at the passing cars. Technically, you were still within the airport limit and the traffic here seems endless with arrivals and departures alike.

“Hhmm... Must be not expecting your call at this hour.”, Y/F/N says absently as he switches lane.

       You pull your mobile phone out the pant pocket and see that it was half past seven. Y/F/N had a point. According to Stan you should be filming at this moment but filming had ended much sooner than planned and now you were on your way home. In all the chaos you had forgotten to inform your boyfriend that you were heading home. So there was no need to worry if Stan’s phone was turned off. Yet still there was a nagging feeling in your mind and you ask your friend to drive faster.

       Sebastian had been warned. By you. But he had never really been good at heeding warnings.

       It had been a lazy day, spent on making late breakfast (because he woke up late), then some chores and then a late lunch. After lunch he had tried to face time with Y/N but couldn’t reach, which surprised him a bit but didn’t dwell on it much. He had looked around a bit in search of doing something when he finally ended up before his laptop in an attempt to surf the internet on very random subjects.

       He was going through IMDb’s list of the top performances by an actor in the year 2017 and saw that Y/N led the list with her performance in ‘Blanc Skies’. He knew from the rave reviews from both the audience and critics alike (which is an impossible feat, in his opinion), the Golden Globe nomination, the Academy nomination, etc, that his girlfriend had given an outstanding performance as ‘Faye’, and while all of this made him extremely proud of his girlfriend, he had never been able to enjoy the movie himself.

       Reason? Y/N had barred him from watching the movie ever. When he had asked once she had simply said that she knew that her character’s demise would not be taken well by him. Of course Sebastian being the masochistic male had scoffed at her ridiculousness but Y/N was stubborn and had said with a full degree of finality in her voice that Sebastian should not watch the movie.

       Now as he saw the, obviously old, list of the site he felt the suppressed curiosity worm it’s way on to the surface. Both bored out of his mind and also wanting to see his girlfriend perform, he decides to watch the movie after all. Anyways, Y/N wasn’t here to stop him. Also he was an actor too and as an actor he knew this wasn’t real. It was fictional story in which his girlfriend happens to play the role of the fictional character Faye and the fictional character dies, not his girlfriend. Y/N was just overreacting over nothing. He was man, he could handle a little fiction.

       With that delightful thought, Sebastian had walked to the living room, with his chest puffed up. In the sitting room, on the centre shelf of the TV unit was a box where the copies of each films, series that Y/N and Sebastian had ever been in. From the very box he pulled out the DVD case and gently plucked the CD.

       A glimmer of guilt had entered his mind but he quickly pushed it away, thinking that Y/N was only worried that he wouldn’t take her character’s death too well. He knew for a fact that that moment didn’t arrive till the very end, ergo he would just turn it off when he would get to that part.

       Little did he know that he would get so sucked into the movie that even when all the signs and warnings hinted at the impending he didn’t find it in himself to turn it off. All the worse, he had not thought how much Y/N would be right, and how at the moment he felt as if someone had punched him hard in the chest, sucking every ounce of breath from his lungs.

       The movie had come to an end and the last of the titles had just rolled off the screen but Sebastian sat on the couch, with his head between his hands, willing the gore image to leave his mind. Y/N had said that her character would die but she had never mentioned how gruesome it was. Nevertheless he should have figured it. Nudity, violence, gore- that was the rage these days.

       You enter the penthouse apartment you two shared and for a moment, you get the feeling that Stan wasn’t home. Leaving your bags by the door you stroll into the apartment, stopping short in the sitting room, when you see Stan sitting on the couch, looking extremely distressed. The sight of his dishevelled hair, the slouched shoulders and the network of bulging veins in his hands makes your heart leap into your throat with fear.

       You approach him very carefully and come to kneel before him. He doesn’t move at all leading you to think that either he hasn’t noticed you or he’s ignoring you. The latter although seems impossible to you. Gently you wrap your hands around his arms and whisper his name but he doesn’t answer.

“What happened?”, you ask but Stan doesn’t move a finger.

“Stan... Please talk to me. What’s going on? You’re scaring me.”, you say, your voice still firm and gentle but filled with anxiety and trepidation.

       Slowly he lifts his head and when you look into his grief stricken face you feel a wave of nausea threaten you. Suddenly Stan falls down to his knees and pulls you hard against his chest and holds you tight against him. You find it hard to breathe but you don’t complain as you can sense that he needs this. There was no sound but the wetness that began to drip and soak through your flimsy blouse on the back told you that Stan was crying.

       His tears only served to cause you panic because Stan never cried. Never! You coax him once more to speak up but Stan just holds you tighter.

       You hear the seconds hand tick around in the wall clock as Stan continued to crush you. When the dripping of the tears stopped you began counting every tick. On the hundred and twenty fifth tick Stan loosed his grip a little and mumbled something incoherent.

“Huh?”, you say.

“I said I am sorry.”, he mumbled again in a jagged voice.

“Why?”, you ask, your heart beating frantically in your chest.

“I should have listened to you. I shouldn’t have watched it.”

       For a moment you consider his very confusing answer but you soon suspicion about what he could be talking about.
“Please tell me you didn’t watch Blanc Skies?”, you mumble feeling your anger rise slowly.

“I did. I just didn’t expect--”

“Oh shut it!”, you let go of your anger finally and pull away from him. Standing up you glare down at him.

“I told you not to watch it. Look at you. For the past fifteen minutes...”, you glance at the same wall clock to make certain that is how much time had passed before turning to glare at him, “Fifteen minutes you have had me in a fix wondering what could have possibly happened to turn you into this wreck!”

“I am sorry...”, still kneeling he reaches out to hold your hand but you jerk it away before he could touch you.

“I knew you won’t be able to stomach it. But no! You had to go ahead and watch it!”, you go on. Stan could see that you were really pissed and felt ashamed. He felt pathetic at being such a wreck over a fiction but Y/N had done a really great job. He couldn’t help but be absorbed into the character. He let his head hang low, ashamed and furious over himself that he got carried away.

       Despite all the anger, there was something about the way Stan looked right now that tugged at your heart. Yes you were upset with him but you were also insanely in love with the man and, as twisted as it sounds, seeing him devastated over the death of your character made a teeny tiny part of you happy?

“I am right here.”, you sigh and kneel down. “And even if you wanted to you wouldn’t be able to get rid of me for a very long time Mr. So save your tears.”

       You place a soft kiss against his lips that tasted of salt at the moment. Sebastian leans forward and kisses you back, finding some solace in the physical contact. You pull away and sit on the floor getting comfortable between his legs, placing her back against his chest while he wrapped his arms around you.

“How come you are home early?”, he asks breaking the comfortable silence you two had been enjoying.

“We finished early.”, you reply. “By the way. I tried calling you from the airport. It kept going to the voicemail. My car broke and it’s still in the airport and since I couldn’t reach you, I called up Y/F/N.”

       You feel Stan go a little stiff at the mention of your friend’s name and smirk. For some reason Stan never got along with him.

“Hhmm. I forgot to plug in my phone to charge today. Probably got switched off.”, his voice was still rough.

       He knew you were still mad at him, which was appropriate, but for the moment all he wants is to hold you which you gladly allow.

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