Jamie Dornan

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Pairing- Jamie Dornan x Reader
Requested by- cutemegan321
Warning(s) - None

       It has been a couple of months since you’ve seen your husband of five years Jamie, he was filming a new movie and you weren’t able to go visit him at all. Ove the years you’ve always went and visited him, even before you were married. Sometimes filming could take so long, and it was very hard on your relationship, not seeing each other for a long time. It definitely put a strain on your relationship but you got through them and you being happily married now was a big indication for the love you two held for each other.

       The reason you haven’t visited your husband on set for the last few two months was because of your daughter, you gave birth to the bundle of hoy seventeen months ago. And you weren’t very comfortable with traveling with her alone, you never had to take her on a plane ride alone before. So you decided that Skype would have to suffice this time. Your daughter was starting to make a few sounds indicating that she was starting to try and talk, she still haven’t said her first word. You hoped when she did say her first word Jamie would be around to hear it.
Anyways Jamie was coming today seeing as it was is two weeks break from filming, he still had another month of filming. But everyone was taking two weeks break, which you were very thankful for. Jamie was taking a taxi home, he was due home this afternoon. Your daughter was sitting on the ground playing with her toys, blabbing away. You smiled at her cuteness. You wondered how something this precious could come from you.

       The doorbell rang and a grin made its way on to your face, as you raced to the door knowing who was behind it. You threw the door open and jumped into Jamie’s arms, making him stumble back a few steps. His arms wrapped around your waist holding you close as your arms wrapped around his neck, breathing in his familiar smell.
“I missed you so much.” You told him with tear filled eyes, it was as if you just realized how long it has been since you last saw him.
“I missed you too darling.” Jamie whispered in your year, his familiar accent hitting your ear making you smile. You pulled back just enough to smash your lips into his, Jamie kissed you back with as much fierce and love. He pulled back before long. “As much as I would love to continue this, there’s someone I’d like to see.” You smiled in understanding, and closed the door behind you.

“She’s in the living room.” You told Jamie and took out your phone. “I want to film her reaction to seeing you.”

       It has been the longest time, (Y/d/n) has gone without seeing her father since she was born. So you wanted to record her reaction, knowing how much it will mean later on in life. You loved recording her so much, having those memories with you for a long time, for when she grows older and moves out and have a life of her own. Yes it was still man years ahead, but you love her so much you just want her to stay with you for as long as you can, you want her to stay the age she is and not grow older.

       Jamie and you walked slowly back in the living room, her back was facing you. Jamie stood there for a few moments watching as his daughter played with herself, he had missed her so, so much and seeing her there in front of him and not through a computer screen made his heart warm up and his face to break into a grin.

“Hey princess, look who’s here.” You said after starting the video, (y/d/n) turned around and her face broke onto a smile when her eyes fell on Jamie. You couldn’t help but smile as you saw the two of them, (y/d/n) slowly stood up.

“Hey baby.” Jamie said and crouched down, he opened his arms for her. She walked as fast as she could without stumbling to Jamie’s arms. He pulled her in his arms and hugged her tightly, you saw a few tears in his eyes making you tear up a bit as well. You know being away from her was so much harder for him than it was for him leaving you. You two went through this before a few times, and it was different with her. Jamie kissed her all over her face, making her giggle and move around in his arms. “Did you miss daddy? Huh? Did you miss him?”
She kept laughing and giggling away as he stood up with her in his arms. “Because daddy missed you, he missed you so much.”
“Da… da.” She babbled making both you and Jamie freeze, Jamie looked at you and could see the surprise on your face.

“What did you say darling?” You asked her not lowering your phone, if she said her first word you wanted to film it.

“Tell daddy what you just said.” Jamie encouraged as well.

“Dada.” She said and you couldn’t help but laugh, as Jamie pulled her closer into his arms. “Dada.”

“Yes baby, daddy is here.” Jamie said and looked at her as if she was the most important person in the world. And to him you and (y/d/n) were the most important people in his world. You stopped the recording, not believing that you caught her first words. You walked up to your family and hugged Jamie with one arm, and you looked at you daughter in his. “I can’t believe she said her first word.”

“I can’t believe it was dada.” You said pouting up at your husband. “I’ve only never left her side since she was born, and before that as well.”

“Oh come on, don’t be jealous.” Jamie said and kissed your forehead. “(y/n/n) will say mama soon enough, won’t you (y/d/n)?” She looked up at the both of you and moved up and down in Jamie’s arms making you smile at her. “God, she’s so beautiful.”

“Yeah, I can’t believe she’s part of the two of us.” You said and stared at her as she clapped or more like tried to clap her little hands together.

“A creation of our love.” Jamie said and you looked up at him to see him looking down at you, you beamed up at him. Before his lips touched yours, you couldn’t help but smile through the kiss, before you felt your hair being yanked.

“Ow, (y/d/n) let go of mummy’s hair.” You said as the toddler laughed. “Jamie baby a little help please.”

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