Jared Leto

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Pairing- Jared Leto x Reader
Warnings- None

       An unmistakably loud cracking sound rupture through the dark and cold winter night and you feel your heart stop for a split second. The whole scenario seemed like a scene out of those movies that you always hated and you, sub- consciously, pulled yourself further into the alley, seeking refuge within the thick shadows that the tall buildings on either side casted. You hear another loud growl followed by a thud before everything turns silent. There had been two people, two strangers- one tried to mug you while the other tried to intervene and save you. You hope that the sound of cracking jaw you just heard belonged to the man who mugged you and not the other way around.

       A minute passes giving way to few more minutes as you sat huddled silently, afraid to even breathe. You couldn’t see anyone or hear anything in the dimly lit street, except for a dark silhouette of an unconscious man collapsed on the street. You didn’t know which one of them it was and didn’t have any intentions of risking your life to find out.
       In the stillness of the night, a dull noise accompanied with the vibration of your phone rattles you and before you can stop yourself, a small yelp breaks free and you slap your hand against your mouth. With the other hand you fish out the phone, knowing that as silent as it was, the sound of your phone vibrating could be easily heard by anyone who was nearby. You see that its your mother calling and find yourself torn between wanting to pick up her call and asking for help and not wanting to worry her. After all what could your mother do all the way from the other end of the Country?

       While you were still contemplating, you notice the shadow of a man walking towards you in quick strides. Before you could even react you find yourself staring at a bloodied face. You hear a loud scream and notice the frown on the face of the man who had just saved you. Suddenly you realise that the scream came from no one but you and look at him slightly embarrassed. You watch him curiously as his frown grows deeper, with a growing emotion which you identify as concern.

“Are you alright? Can you stand up?”, he asks and you look at him marvelled.
“Am I ok? Are you ok? You look like you took a lot of beating.”, you say, as you try to stand up on your wobbly legs. You lose your footing and are about to crash land on your butt on to the pavement when the handsome stranger rescues you once again by catching you just in time.

“Easy there, darling.”, he groans slightly in pain and you quickly try to stand straight again, taking support of the wall.

“I am so sorry.”, you say quickly. You hear the sound of sirens wailing from a distance and looked up the vacant street confused.

“I called for help. That guy is only unconscious. He might need a ride to the hospital before hauling his ass in prison.”, he muttered.

“You are hurt so much. I am so sorry.”, you mumble not knowing what to say.

“It’s not your fault. Stop saying sorry for something that isn’t even your fault.”, he replies as he hobbles onto the street. He waves his hand at the approaching patrol car with the ambulance right behind it.

“Officers. Good evening! I was the one who made the call. This man here was trying to mug this lovely lady and I happened to be passing by and when I saw what was happening I tried to stop him but it seems like he didn’t want to go without a fight.”, he explains to the officer, who took down everything that the stranger said, while the paramedics wheeled away the unconscious man on a gurney.

       There were more questions and each time the stranger answered the other officer kept scratching at his pad furiously. They ask you a few questions too but you couldn’t focus much on it, since, for one you were still shocked by the whole thing and secondly you couldn’t get over the fact that you recognised this man from somewhere. You couldn’t recollect when and where but you were sure you had seen the stranger who has rescued your life somewhere before.
“Thank you Mr Leto for your co-operation. You look like you could use a ride to the hospital. Hop in and we can take you to the nearest hospital.”, the officer suggests pointing at the wound on his forehead against which Mr Leto pressed a cloth that one of the paramedic had given, and all you can think of is how that last name sounded awfully familiar.

“I would like to accompany you.”, you speak up getting the men’s attention instantly.

“Ahh... That won’t be needed mam. Officer Chad here will drop you home. Make sure you reach home safely.”, he replies but you shake your head vigorously.

“He’s in this mess because of me. It’s the least I can do.”, you reply.

“For the love of God woman. Would you stop blaming yourself already? You didn’t get me into the mess. I chose to intervene. What sort of a person would I be if I ignored my duties as a citizen.”, Mr Leto says slightly smirking. You look between him and the officer adamantly and watch them both give up after a moment.

       Soon you find yourself in the back of the squad car riding towards the hospital along with Mr Leto. As you watch the slumbering city and its sleepy streets pass by you pick at your brain hard to try and remember why the man seated next to you seemed so familiar.

“Ms Y/L/N, you will be required to come down to the station first thing tomorrow morning to file a report.”, you hear the officer say and look ahead at him before humming in response.

       As you reach the hospital you hop out the car and wait by the curb as the officer finishes talking to Mr Leto.

“Oh by the way Mr Leto. I know this is totally inappropriate but I can’t help but ask if you could give me an autograph. It’s for my wife actually. She’s a huge fan. Watched every one of your damn movies.”, the officer grunts and that’s when it hits you.
“Oh my God! You are Jared Leto!”, you nearly screech catching other people’s attention. Jared simply shakes his head and laughs before obliging the officer and walking into the building with you following him with a thunderstruck expression on your face.

       You have never encountered a celebrity before and so you didn’t know exactly how to behave at the moment. As you walked into the ER, still reeling with the fact that the Jared Leto had come to your rescue, a nurse stops you but Jared puts out his hand and tell him, “She’s with me.”

“I know sir but no one is allowed into the ER. Sorry.”, he smiles apologetically. You catch Jared giving you an apologetic rigid smile and you just nod and say, “No problem. I will wait outside.”

“Are you sure? I mean I can ask Officer ‘I am not your fan but my wife is’ to come around and take you home.”, he says but you laugh and wave him off. You notice something similar to relief in his eyes before he turns and leaves.
       An hour later you see Jared exiting the ER with a different nurse, a young female and a beautiful one at that too, and notice her fawning and tripping on her own feet trying to cause an impression on the actor. You laugh inwardly as you walk towards him. He sees you and smiles warmly and you take note of the obvious tiredness.

“Hello there. How are you doing?”, he says, as you reach him.

“I am fine. How are you feeling now? What did the doctors have to say?”, you ask, eyeing the bandage around his head and the crepe band around his hand with concern. Besides that he also had a bruised cheek, which has turned bluish, and a busted lip
“Nothing to worry at all. He also gave me these ‘feel good’ pills.”, he smiles down at you.

“Exactly how many of these have you already popped.”, you ask him strongly suspecting that his languid state had something to do with these ‘feel good pills’ as he put it.
“Two or maybe three. I don’t know.”, he says. You shake your head slightly and take his arm in your hand.

“Come on let’s get you home.”, you mumble.

“No, no, no... I should be the one to take you home. I need to make sure you are safe.”, he objects but allows you to guide him out the hospital.

“I can get home Mr Leto. You have already done enough for me tonight.”, you say.

“No. Absolutely no. It’s my duty to get you home safe.”, he argues.

“Alright. We will go to my place... And maybe you can stay there.”, you say thinking only about his state.

       When he doesn’t answer you look up and see him smirking mischievously and you realise what you had said and try to retract.

“I meant you can take the couch.”, you say smiling slyly.

“Ouch! That’s really hurt me.”, he says. You laugh and hail a cab.

“By the way you know my name but I don’t know yours. It doesn’t seem fair.”, he says as you both get in the car.

       You give the driver your address before turning to Jared and answer, “I am Y/N. And thank you Mr Leto for saving me. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t come when you did.”, you shiver as you recollect the traumatic event of the evening.

“Hey. It’s ok. Everything’s fine.”, he says as he wraps a hand around your shoulder and brings you closer to his side. “And you can call me Jared.”, he says before pressing a kiss on the top of your head.
“By the way, you can totally reward me for my heroic act by allowing me to take you out for dinner.”, he says after a while of silent contemplation.

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