Jake Gyllenhaal

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Requested by a reader on Tumblr
Pairing- Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader
Warning(s) - mild swearing

       You file the last of the document in its file before checking everything was in order. It was one of those days when life just decides to be hard on you. First it had been the alarm that bailed on you. Only when the sweet smell of waffles and fried eggs had tickled your nose did you wake. It had left you furious when you saw that it was way past your time to wake up and, your boyfriend, instead of waking you up, was out in the kitchen making breakfast. While this would make you happy any other day, it didn’t today.

“Why the hell did you not wake me up?”, you had spat venomously as you entered the kitchen. Jake had been taken aback but he grinned as he scratched his head.

“Well I thought that maybe you could just stay in home and we could do something together. I have really missed you.”, he smiled. Normally you would have melted in his arms and kissed the living day lights out of him but not today.

“I am going to be presenting my project before some of the top people in the company you jerk! Of course your selfish head couldn’t retain that information!”, you had yelled back at him. Jake lost his smile and also his colour instantly.

“You only think about yourself sometimes!”, you had accused him as you headed out the door of your shared apartment, leaving behind a visibly pissed and hurt Jake.

       The day only got worse when you arrived to your own presentation twenty five minutes late. The big bosses had made no effort to hide their disappointment and displeasure.

       Your tardiness affected your performance drastically. The displeasure you had seen in your senior’s faces made your confidence fall flat to the ground and it reflected in your stammering speech and also you had kept mixing up the data, which was humiliating to say the least.

       To add to the humiliation, you didn’t get to lead your own project. This was something you had already expected, seeing as how badly you had screwed up your presentation. Yet it was painfully heart wrenching to hear them confirm what you already knew in your heart.

       Rest of the day was less eventful but at this point you cared for nothing. You kept thinking about the day and how it turned out. You couldn’t believe that just because your alarm didn’t go off you missed on the opportunity of your life. You had poured your heart and soul into the project and to say that it would be painful to watch someone else take the lead was an understatement. And then there was Jake.

       In the calmness of your office as you recalled everything, trying to see where you went wrong or whom or what you could place the blame on, you realise how stupid of you it was to yell at the man you love so much and also how stupid it was to blame him for anything. You had been furious and when that happened you always lost the brain to mouth filter and never thought twice before you spoke. This always left you with deep regret later, like it did now, and you hope that Jake wasn’t mad about it still.

       You reach out and pick the phone off of the desk and check to see there were plenty of texts and a few calls that you had missed but none of them where from Jake. You blow out a frustrated breath as you sink into the leather chair, trying to think of something to do to appease Jake once you got home.

       However, two hours later, when you finally make it home, any thoughts of trying to appease Jake slowly starts to leave as you step into the house. Even before you entered the apartment you could hear loud guffawing and it didn’t take much for you to realise that your brother was home. Jake and your brother got along very fine and by the amount of shouting and yelling going on you guessed they were playing on PSP.

“Hey guys. I am home.”, you announce as you drop your bag and walk into the living room.

“Hey Baby!”, Jake greets rather cheerfully followed by your brother who only grunts in response.

       Jake’s lack of anger should have calmed you but instead you felt triggered as you looked around the living room, which at the moment resembled a pig’s sty. There was beer cans and snack packs all over the place. Also both the men had decided it was a good idea to leave their sweaty hoodies on the couch.

       Rolling your eyes at the two men, who had gone back to playing, you walk into the kitchen and feel your headache threaten to pull you down seeing the sink overflow with soiled dishes. The damp air was filled with the smell of stale food making your nose wrinkle. Horrified you scan the kitchen and see the bread crumbs on the counter, the box of butter lying open, the empty bread packet lying in the counter along with the skin of banana and orange.

       Jake wasn’t usually this messy but somehow whenever he hung out with your brother, your brother seemed to manage to bring out the pig in him. Feeling your blood boil you begin clear out the counter. You dump everything in the garbage bin before throwing the dishes in the dishwasher. Both cutlery and pans and spoons and pots went in there with much clang and clutter, some plates even breaking in the process but you didn’t care. You were angry and upset and you needed to vent them out.

       Seconds later you hear the house go quite, the chaotic sound of laughter and cheering nowhere to be heard, but you don’t stop. You dump the half full pack of detergent into the machine, all over the dirty dishes.

“Hey... Y/B/N left.”, you hear Jake’s voice come from behind you as you slam the door and press some buttons. Without looking at Jake or acknowledging him you grab a scrub from under the sink and begin to scrub the gas range which had dried splatters of gravy and sauce. You tried to guess what had occurred in here as you silently assessed the crime scene nothing made any sense.

“I can do that--”, you feel Jake’s hand against your arm, trying to pull you away but you jerk him away and hiss at him, “I can do it!”


“Jake! I had a terrible day and the last thing I want to do is argue with you so please just f*** off!”, you say through gritted teeth.

“What is your problem?”, Jake fires back, clearly pissed. “If you don’t want me here Y/N, just say the damn words and I will leave!”

“What is my problem? What is my problem?”, you feel rage course through your vein, chasing every rational thought, “My problem is that my idiot of a boyfriend decides to make breakfast for his still sleeping girlfriend instead of waking her up for work, my problem is that because of him I lose the biggest project of my life for which I had worked my a** off. My problem is that the same ass of a boyfriend acts like he did nothing wrong and doesn’t even bother asking how my presentation was.”

“You’re so busy spending the day with Y/B/N that you don’t even fucking care what happened with me and then I walk into this place which is supposed to be our kitchen but at the moment smells like sewer!”

       You swing around and bang on the window panes, pushing them open and letting the cool evening breeze to flood in.

“Look! I am sorry I forgot about your presentation but I didn’t mean to deliberately make you late. It’s not my fault that you got late to work.”, Jake spoke angrily.

“Of course it’s not! You know I have a job! You know I have to get to it every day but still you didn’t bloody wake me up and decided for yourself that I should stay home and spend the day with you.”, you wave your hand frustrated.

“Is it so wrong to want to spend time with your girlfriend considering I wasn’t home the past month?”, Jake yelled.

“Of course not! But you ask first! You could have checked with me. You don’t get to decide! You cost me the most precious thing in the world damit! Your childishness cost me the one thing I most cared about!”, you yell back.

       Jake recoils as if your words stung him. He looks down at you with tears pooling in his eyes. Too late you realise your mistake but there was nothing you could do to take back the spoken words that hung so heavily in the tensed atmosphere.

“Jake I am so--”

“Don’t! Don’t say anything else!”, Jake stops you, his voice much softer but heavy with hurt.

       He begins to storm out the kitchen and you follow him hurriedly, calling after him but he doesn’t stop. You watch miserably as he grabs his hoodie and marches out the house, slamming the door behind him.

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