Royal Surprise

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Bajan Pride

Barbadians should be proud of Rih,
Thanks to Evan Rogers and Jay-Z,
At only twenty eight,
Rih's at the top of her game,
And it's seems like Robyn Rihanna,
Is still the same,
Same friends,
Same personality,
Never adding flavor to her accent
Some say Rih has never changed,
Even with all her diamonds and pearls
Rihanna is still a St. Michael Girl.


Chapter Eleven | Royal Surprise

Harry wrapped his arms around Robyn's waist, resting them on her stomach. Robyn smiled, because without even realising it, Harry had rested his arms in the place where something was going to change their lives. She couldn't wait to tell him! He rested his head on her shoulder and Robyn nestled into his embrace.

''How are you feeling darling?''

''Yeah I'm alright thanks, about that, I need to tell you something..." Robyn trailed off.

''What?'' Harry asked, alarmed.

''Well I'm....'' Robyn was interrupted by Rick who looked like he had just ran from the guest rooms to where they were standing.

''Your Royal highnesses , I'm afraid that you're going to have to get changed.'' Rick told them.

''What?'' Robyn asked.

''Why?'' Harry also asked.

''You have to go to the airport, to pick up someone...I do not know who it is, but Her Majesty told me to let you know. You'll be leaving in half an hour.'' Rick said.

''Oh my gosh! Okay, we'll be down here in half an hour, have my car ready please.'' Harry replied. ''Come on Robyn, we need to go and get changed.'' He said. With that he took Robyn's hand and they walked back to their room to change, once again.

Half an hour later, Robyn and Harry made it to the airport.

Harry came round to Robyn's side of the car and put his arm around her waist and guided her to the bottom of the plane's steps.

Of course the paparazzi were here, but Harry and Robyn couldn't figure out how they knew we were coming to the airport. The paparazzi kept on shouting at Harry and Robyn, but they just stood their smiling and Robyn was in Harry's warm embrace. Soon there was some figures at the top of the steps, but all you could see at first was their shadows. Only Harry had noticed this at first, Robyn was talking to Rick about something, whilst still standing in Harry's embrace. Harry smiled up to the couple walking down the steps and gently nudged Robyn to get her attention. She turned around and took a moment before gasping with a smile on her face;

''Ma? Dad?''

Robyn couldn't stop smiling. She couldn't believe that the queen had organised for her parents to come over to England for a week. It was now late evening, and Harry and Robyn were in bed watching another film. So much has happened in one day!

''How are you feeling?'' Harry asked.

''Tired, not sick anymore,'' Robyn replied.

''Do you know what it was?''

''Yeah,'' Robyn replied.

''What?" Harry looked alarmed. But before Robyn had a chance to reply, there was a knock on the door, and Robyn's mom poked her head around the door, ''Right we're off to bed now, just thought I'd let you two know that,'' Monica said.

Robyn jumped up to give her mum a kiss on the cheek, ''Okay night Ma, see you in the morning,''

''Yeah night,'' Harry echoed and Robyn's mum left the room. ''So?''

''So what?'' Robyn giggled, knowing exactly what he meant.

''What exactly is going on?''

''Well Harry, 5 months time...we could be having a massive event occur in our lives..." Robyn started.

''What do you mean? I know it's not our anniversary or anything?'' Harry asked confused.

Robyn got up once again and withdrew a package from her drawer. ''Open this.''

Harry took the package and started to slowly open this. Inside there was a silver photo frame, with writing on it that said 'Daddy and me.' and was decorated with teddy bears. Harry had tears in his eyes. ''Robyn, does this mean...?'' Harry couldn't form the words in his mouth, he was so happy.

''Yes Harry, I'm pregnant.'' Robyn beamed. Harry dropped the frame on his lap and pulled Robyn in and kissed her passionately on the lips. When they broke off, Harry looked into Robyn's eyes; ''This is going to be amazing, I love you, Robyn." and he kissed her gently on the lips. "Do you know what you're having? Keep it quiet and we'll only tell our parents when we definitely know everything.''

''Okay darling,''

''Actually let me make a phone call, we can have it tomorrow morning, because we might as well find out straight away.'' Harry told Robyn, who smiled gratefully.

Harry returned a couple of moments later, ''9 o'clock tomorrow morning, so that we can be out and back before the parents are up.''

''Okay,'' Robyn tried to stifle a yawn.

''Right you are going to bed, I don't care what you say you are going to bed now.'' Harry said seriously but laughed after.

''Fine,fine,I give in!'' Robyn laughed. Harry looked her in the eyes again, before leaning in and kissing her on the lips. ''Now go to sleep.''

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