Glamour Tiredness

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I want to give people a taste of the Caribbean, and show them the fun side of me. -Rihanna

Chapter Two | Glamour Tiredness

The days slowly merged into each other for Robyn. Her schedule was so full everyday, with planning the wedding, opening buildings, attending fundraisers and being tutored in British government everyday.

Her tutor, a very strict British woman, called Meredith, was unforgiving. Sighing mightily each time Robyn made a mistake. She was starting to feels she was back in preschool.

British government and royal protocols were such a difficult language to learn and live by, but Harry, ever supportive, listened night after night, while she practiced, managing not to laugh at her idiotic mistakes.

Her days also kept her away from Harry, whose schedule was even more hectic than hers. Helping run a country seemed so exhausting. Some nights, while having a conversation, he would just doze off.

He seemed so tired all the time and Rihanna worried about him. She knew he wanted to be the best Prince England had ever had, wanting to make his mother proud and trying to keep her legacy alive and trying to erase all his past mistakes.

But Harry was slowly burning himself out and it seemed Robyn couldn't help him. She slowly lowered his head onto her lap and played softly with his hair, stroking is noble forehead.

She never knew that love like this was possible. Leaning down slowly, she lightly brushed her lips over his sleeping eyelids. Breathing in deep, she savored is manly smell.

Moments like these were so far and wide between, she had to cherish each of them. Slowly, extracting herself from their bed, she laid his head on a pillow, carefully removed his shoes and socks, smiling at his big manicured white feet and throwing a comforter over him. Bending over to softly kiss him goodnight, he suddenly murmured her name. Feelings Robyn had never felt, came rushing to the surface, tears forming in her eyes.

Smiling down on him, she whispered, "I love you too, Harry."

Glancing at the bathroom she decided she should take a nice long bubble bath before bed and she also decided she would speak to the queen tomorrow about a short vacation before the wedding.

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